Example sentences of "carry out [art] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The National Park Authority and Dyfed Wildlife Trust have carried out a survey into the summer population of shelduck .
2 decided that by using a temporary coupler from the motor to the drive shaft some preparatory work for making the change could be carried out a year before the main change , reducing the delay .
3 They set out on 23 January , Jordan heading straight for Gabes , and Stirling some twelve hours behind , having carried out a recce on the way .
4 Louis XIV duly carried out the letter of the Treaty of Utrecht by forcing the self-styled James III to move into Lorraine , technically a separate province , 100 miles [ 160 km ] from Paris , but James II 's widow still resided at St Germain , a centre for Jacobite intrigue , from which messages were carried to England by French diplomatic couriers .
5 They will be able to challenge the charges of a solicitor executor who has carried out the administration of the estate , by applying for a Remuneration Certificate from the Law Society .
6 He said engineers had carried out an inspection of the plane — with advice from British Aerospace — and had found no damage .
7 Moscovitch , Scullion and Christie , ( 1976 ) also carried out an experiment within the framework of information processing theory .
8 Following the completion of the audit [ specify ] , we will carry out a review of the company , giving particular attention to those areas which are likely to be given close scrutiny during any due diligence procedure .
9 In this model , testing consists of checking that the students can carry out the task by the criteria detailed in the objectives .
10 As the National Curriculum is implemented , it will be possible to carry out a check of the curriculum of each school .
11 The PPL recently commissioned Gallup to carry out a survey of the benefits of recorded music .
12 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
13 THE Government 's decision to levy value-added tax on domestic fuel and power has prompted ScottishPower to carry out a review over the next 12 months to determine the possible impact the tax will have on its 1.6 million domestic customers .
14 The association contracted the Fluid Processes Group to carry out a review of the nature , origins , occurrences and hazards of methane in the context of the construction industry in the United Kingdom .
15 In execution of that policy it was proposed that a circular would be issued to all local authorities asking them to carry out a review of the curriculum in their areas in consultation with their schools and to report the results within about twelve months .
16 THE Government is to carry out a study into the number of children injured in fireworks accidents .
17 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
18 Following intervention by Dee and Clwyd flood defence committee , the Countryside Council for Wales decided to defer notification and to carry out a study of the site .
19 The ‘ potentate ’ may have to be interviewed to obtain permission and goodwill to carry out a study in the institution he controls , such as a factory , office , school or youth club .
20 The prosecution that both Sean and Stephen Hill were aware the IRA intended to carry out an attack on the policeman .
21 Kuypers then started a long series of collaborative studies in which injuries to some of these connections in the monkey 's brain were correlated with the defects they produced in performance of movements ; the poising of an arm , for instance , to carry out an operation with the fingers could be dissociated from the ability to use the fingers skilfully .
22 The guardian ad litem prepared a report in which she recommended that the children live with their father and , in the body of the report , stated that for the local authority to carry out an assessment of the father at the same time as the children were being prepared for a long-term placement did not ‘ enable an open and honest working relationship . ’
23 The Commission 's recommendations for the extension of DNA profiling must be accompanied , as the Commission 's own researchers proposed , by the safeguard that legal aid should be provided in all cases to a defence expert to carry out an assessment of the evidence by replicating the tests conducted by the prosecution and considering their interpretation of the results .
24 Sir Anthony says : ‘ The Department were at fault in failing to appreciate that the instructions given to Spicers to carry out an audit of the partnership 's client accounts would not , at least as regards some important Barlow Clowes portfolios , have enabled any reassurance to be gained on the score of the concern that the partnership could not make the payments of income they had guaranteed without eroding clients ’ capital .
25 The FAOR methodology is directed at analysing the requirements of offices for information technology improvements , and the first Activity is to carry out an exploration of the chosen office domain , using the SSM as required .
26 Delegation of authority thus refers to the process by which a superior gives a subordinate the authority to carry out an aspect of the superior 's job .
27 After consultation with the Health and Safety Commission , I shall be appointing an inspector to carry out an inquiry into the accident under the Regulation of Railways Act 1871 .
28 The Danish Government has announced that it is to carry out an inquiry into the accident .
29 Now you 've made it impossible for me to carry out an interview despite the fact I 've been extremely patient "
30 At some point we need administrators to carry out the will of the people .
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