Example sentences of "carry out [prep] the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The workforce at Linton and Hirst 's is to be cut by one third despite a two million pound investment programme carried out at the company in July .
2 Another guest speaker , Dr Nawal El Saadawi , the Egyptian novelist , doctor and relentless critic of Arab human rights abuses , attacked the hypocrisy of policies carried out around the world in the name of human rights , democracy and justice .
3 While little detailed work has been undertaken to date on the nature of these population movements , preliminary research carried out by the investigator in Costa Rica in 1987 with support from the Nuffield Foundation suggests that migration patterns have been strongly differentiated along lines of gender : whereas men have tended to migrate out of Guanacastle , at least on a temporary basis , many women appear to have moved permanently to towns within the region itself .
4 Recipes , for example , were arranged alphabetically in sections , with ingredients , prices , weights , and cooking times all precisely stated , on the basis of tests carried out by the author in her own kitchen .
5 Major petrographical studies on the rocks of various parts of Scotland were carried out by the Petrographer in London .
6 They work by detecting the by-products of the vaginitis bacteria that cause its characteristic fishy smell , and can be carried out in the surgery in two minutes , thus avoiding the usual five to 10-day wait for lab test results — and prolonged discomfort .
7 However , in the preparation of final-year seminar papers and dissertations , or if you continue on at college as a research student , you will need to find out details of all the work that others have already carried out in the field in which you are interested .
8 Tests must always be carried out in the pack in which the product is to be marketed .
9 Addressing a special session of the Cortes ( parliament ) on Feb. 1 , Alfonso Guerra , who at no time condoned his brother 's alleged activities , acknowledged that Juan had used the government office but said that this was because he was helping him as deputy secretary of the PSOE , and he denied that private activities had been carried out in the office in his presence or with his knowledge .
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