Example sentences of "carry [adv] [prep] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Under the current electoral law , parliament could have dissolved itself immediately and carried on until the election in a caretaker role .
2 Work was carried on around the lump in a fairly ordered pattern helping to keep everything in proportion .
3 and Kaplan J. ) [ 1991 ] 2 H.K.L.R. 215 given on 15 March 1991 allowing an appeal by the taxpayer , HK-TVB International Ltd. , from the order of Godfrey J. made on 9 April 1990 in the High Court whereby he had allowed an appeal by the commissioner by way of case stated from the decision of the Board of Review that the relevant profits for the years of assessment 1980–81 to 1983–84 inclusive did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
4 The question of law for the opinion of the High Court stated by the Board of Review was whether , on the facts agreed and proved , the relevant profits for the years of assessment in question did not arise in or derive from Hong Kong from a trade or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong .
5 Three conditions must be satisfied before a charge to tax can arise under section 14 : ( 1 ) the taxpayer must carry on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) the profits to be charged must be ‘ from such trade , profession or business , ’ which their Lordships construe to mean from the trade , profession or business carried on by the taxpayer in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the profits must be ‘ profits arising in or derived from ’ Hong Kong .
6 In Printers and Finishers Ltd v Holloway [ 1964 ] 3 All ER 731 Cross J made a distinction between the two concepts of remembering something and conscious memorising : " The mere fact that the confidential information is not embodied in a document but is carried away by the employee in his head is not … of itself a reason against the granting of an injunction to prevent its use or disclosure by him " .
7 She felt angry with herself for getting carried away by the ideas in her head , for turning her back on reality .
8 The workforce at Linton and Hirst 's is to be cut by one third despite a two million pound investment programme carried out at the company in July .
9 Another guest speaker , Dr Nawal El Saadawi , the Egyptian novelist , doctor and relentless critic of Arab human rights abuses , attacked the hypocrisy of policies carried out around the world in the name of human rights , democracy and justice .
10 The restoration of four paintings from the partially destroyed National Museum of Art in Bucharest , carried out by the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam in late 1989 ; fundraising , and collaboration on exhibitions were held up as examples of past successes .
11 However , as the reader will see , few operations of this type were carried out by the SBS in the Mediterranean after 1943 .
12 It is already leading to a resumption or the land improvement work carried out by the crofters in the sixties , with the help of the College of Agriculture and the Crofters Commission , working closely together .
13 Of the 297 monitoring visits carried out by the ACCA in the year to 30 September 1992 , only 134 firms ( 45% ) were found to be satisfactory ; 139 firms ( 47% ) failed either because they had poorly developed quality controls over audit work or because some of their audit opinions were questionable ; and a further 23 firms ( 8% ) were considered to be ‘ potentially in breach of audit regulations or the ACCA 's professional conduct rules , to such an extent as to warrant immediate action ’ .
14 While little detailed work has been undertaken to date on the nature of these population movements , preliminary research carried out by the investigator in Costa Rica in 1987 with support from the Nuffield Foundation suggests that migration patterns have been strongly differentiated along lines of gender : whereas men have tended to migrate out of Guanacastle , at least on a temporary basis , many women appear to have moved permanently to towns within the region itself .
15 Quality assurance structures and procedures that the University has established to ensure the quality of its degrees were particularly commended in the Report of the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals Academic Audit Unit following the audit carried out by the A.A.U. in March 1992 .
16 In all , 60,000 took part in yesterday 's bizarre wedding ceremony , carried out by the Moonies in Seoul 's Olympic Stadium .
17 Recipes , for example , were arranged alphabetically in sections , with ingredients , prices , weights , and cooking times all precisely stated , on the basis of tests carried out by the author in her own kitchen .
18 Major petrographical studies on the rocks of various parts of Scotland were carried out by the Petrographer in London .
19 They work by detecting the by-products of the vaginitis bacteria that cause its characteristic fishy smell , and can be carried out in the surgery in two minutes , thus avoiding the usual five to 10-day wait for lab test results — and prolonged discomfort .
20 However , in the preparation of final-year seminar papers and dissertations , or if you continue on at college as a research student , you will need to find out details of all the work that others have already carried out in the field in which you are interested .
21 A study carried out in the mid-1980s in a South London day hospital and in local day centres examined the ordinary , everyday needs and specific treatment requirements of attenders .
22 Tests must always be carried out in the pack in which the product is to be marketed .
23 Addressing a special session of the Cortes ( parliament ) on Feb. 1 , Alfonso Guerra , who at no time condoned his brother 's alleged activities , acknowledged that Juan had used the government office but said that this was because he was helping him as deputy secretary of the PSOE , and he denied that private activities had been carried out in the office in his presence or with his knowledge .
24 It was fortunate that they 'd both driven back to the farmhouse after leaving the nightclub , before carrying on to the forest in Adam 's car , so her own vehicle was parked outside in the courtyard .
25 Before this Board the commissioner advanced two main submissions , namely : ( 1 ) that the business of the bank was one and indivisible since all the profit earning operations were directed from Hong Kong by staff therein employed , no overseas branch of the bank was involved and the funds employed in the purchase of the certificates of deposit arose from the carrying on of the business in Hong Kong ; and ( 2 ) that in any event , even if the sale and purchase of certificates of deposit failed to be treated as separate operations , nevertheless the profits from these operations arose in Hong Kong .
26 ( 3 ) In this Act references to the rules of a self-regulating organisation are references to the rules ( whether or not laid down by the organisation itself ) which the organisation has power to enforce in relation to the carrying on of the business in question or which relate to the admission and expulsion of members of the organisation or otherwise to its constitution .
27 Provision similar to those in a share sale for the carrying on of the business in the period between signing and completion .
28 There was the time , for instance , when they had a love scene in Carry On Up The Khyber in 1968 .
29 Needless to say , there was not much work for this legendary character as a film star ; the next film in which he appeared was Carry on Up the Khyber in 1960 .
30 Quickly put it out of your minds and carry on with the task in hand .
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