Example sentences of "carry [adv] [det] [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm fine , ’ Laura mumbled , so used to silence first thing in the morning that she was finding it incredibly difficult to carry on any form of conversation .
2 ‘ You ca n't possibly expect me to carry on this sort of charade — not for that length of time ? ’
3 The test can be carried out any time of day — there is no need to use the first morning urine — and its results are not affected by medicines such as pain relievers , antibiotics or the contraceptive pill .
4 A corresponding survey , carried out in Sweden in 1981 , found that orientation courses had only been evaluated in 8 libraries of 34 , one-third of the libraries had evaluated courses in manual information retrieval and about half the libraries with courses in computerized information retrieval had carried out some form of evaluation .
5 Yes sir , the , you 'll recall that carrying out this re this particular review to finalise the er fire safety review and members have accepted the recommendations from that in which sought to ignore that although we have an limited number of specialists inspecting officers that we widened the remit of all employees in the Fire and Rescue Service so that all er operational fire fighters carried out some form of inspection , thereby producing a higher work output than before .
6 1992 ) , almost every DHA had met with GPs either individually or in small groups ; three-quarters had held general meetings in addition and two-thirds had carried out some form of survey .
7 It is believed that all but two committees have carried out some form of investigation based on information provided in the 1991 series of reports .
8 As a consequence , only laboratories with immediate access to particle accelerators can carry out this sort of work .
9 Out of the monies voted from this public purse wages were to be paid to soldiers to carry out that work of defence .
10 All colleges and institutions of higher education are required to carry out some assessment of student performance and potential .
11 Quarrels between brothers and sisters provide the ideal training-ground to carry out this kind of teaching .
12 Professional associations would seem to be well placed in terms of expertise and disinterest to carry out this kind of selection .
13 Jesus would hardly have been in a position to carry out this miracle of healing .
14 For this section to apply , the landlord must be under an obligation to the tenant for the maintenance or repair of the premises , or he must have an express or implied right or power to enter the premises to carry out any description of maintenance or repair .
15 Mr Hugo Summerson , Conservative MP for Walthamstow , called on the Transport Secretary , Mr Cecil Parkinson , to carry out another review of security at Gatwick following ‘ this grave breach . ’
16 Having reluctantly cleared me of the charge of indulging in orgies with my entire sales force , you seem to have got it into your head that Lexy and I are carrying on some kind of affair .
17 Since brain damage can produce these very precise differences between patients , it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that there is one part of the brain that has the precise function of carrying out each piece of information processing that is specified within the cognitive model .
18 Although it is only necessary to show an element of bounty to come within these provisions now , this case is important and taxpayers should bear it in mind when they are carrying out any reorganisation of share capital .
19 He says it 's some kind of sadist that carries out this kind of attack .
20 But who carries out this type of abuse ?
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