Example sentences of "live [prep] a [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Scott inherited the family estate in 1596 , but from 1612 until towards the end of his life he lived for a good part of the year in Canterbury .
2 So he lives with a lurking fear of exposure as a fraud .
3 She felt nothing for me ; she has already forgotten me ; she lives in a drowsy round of smoking , going to the baths , painting her eyelids and drinking coffee .
4 After all , despite the success of Mossad , Israel still lives in a perpetual state of fear and terrorism .
5 Edward lives in a different part of town , he espouses different ideas — but he 's also seeking acceptance , due to a romantic interest in shy , true-blue Serana .
6 At present we are living through a curious combination of the technology of the late 20th century , the free trade of the 19th and the rebirth of the sort of interstitial centres characteristic of world trade in the Middle Ages .
7 Untrained in any art school , commencing his career in the early 1930s , a homosexual , addicted to the sleazier pleasures of Soho , living for a large portion of his life in the same seedy studio in South Kensington , eschewing all official honours , and a stranger to what used to be called the ‘ salons ’ of high society , he succeeded in expressing in frightening imagery the horrors which lie embedded below the surface of life .
8 The hospital authorities had tracked her down in California , where she was enjoying success as a fabric designer and living with a famous composer of film music .
9 Well obviously the Kuwaitis erm living outside live under a hardship , are living under a tremendous amount of pressure .
10 But I would hope , I mean it has given me the the wish to go on living in a similar kind of situation .
11 ‘ He 's living in a whole houseful of them .
12 So they imagine people living in a pre-political state of " nature " writing social contracts on blank slates .
13 While Foula has a population of about forty people nowadays , Mykines has fewer than a score of permanent residents , all living in a tight group of picturesque turf-roofed cottages situated on the cliff-top above the landing-place .
14 Rather , it is because , ‘ Weary of living in a continual state of war , and of enjoying liberty rendered useless by the uncertainty of preserving it , [ we ] sacrifice a part so that [ we ] might enjoy the rest of it in peace and safety ’ ( p. 11 ) .
15 It 's like we 're sort of living here together — you know , sort of like we 're married or summat and living in a proper house of our own and all that .
16 Finally , there are ‘ authority constraints ’ ; for example , free school transport may not be available to children living within a certain distance of school ; or opening hours may be mis-matched with the timings of public transport , rendering the services effectively inaccessible to users dependent on public transport .
17 Officials declared that this form of atmospheric pollution was not harmful , but people living within a two-mile radius of the wreck were given liver and respiratory checks .
18 The Richmond Fellowship , for example , provides hostels , run as small communities , which offer a secure environment and an opportunity to regain confidence in social relationships and an enthusiasm for living to a limited number of mentally disturbed adults and young people .
19 Examples of the finest artwork of a particular moment in time or place can give a false impression since they exclude reference to those living on a different level of existence .
20 When Bell and his colleagues analysed the contents of the stomachs of four of the five ( they did not study buffalo ) , they found that each species was living on a different part of the vegetation .
21 You 'll be living amidst a select community of like minded people who appreciate the finer things in life .
22 Brian lived with a primitive terror of outer darkness which he rationalized as a fear of failure : this he further refined into a disinclination to live out of London .
23 Unfortunately her family lived under a constant cloud of danger .
24 ' However eager sceptical Victorians might be to replace the superstitious world of their forefathers with a structure that seemed to them more solid and more rational , the alternative , namely that they lived in a meaningless world of chance , was repellent to many of them .
25 All in all , in 1975 it was estimated that some 145,000 persons lived in a mobile home of some type .
26 Frederick , a man of limited imagination who thought himself to be the very model of a modern enlightened despot and who had travelled in Poland in his younger years , believed that the Polish nobles and gentry were fools and madmen , deluded Catholic warmongers who lived in a perpetual fog of political weakness and drunken anarchy .
27 For a week , while the ship was stored and watered and fresh livestock taken aboard , Sara lived in a strange no-man's-land of emotion in which she alternated between boiling excitement at what lay ahead and abject dolours at the thought of leaving Ireland .
28 One such pocketed herd lived in a small patch of jungle in the centre of a coconut-growing area at Deduru-Oya .
29 This is the story then , not of personal development against a colourful political background but of what it really means to live as a white person of conscience in a country whose rulers decree that individuals should be ranked according to the colour of their skin .
30 Fortunately , the following morning I had nothing to do in particular , so I had a chance to live through a vague sense of hangover .
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