Example sentences of "live [prep] a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Scott inherited the family estate in 1596 , but from 1612 until towards the end of his life he lived for a good part of the year in Canterbury .
2 In 1902 he lived for a short period in Clerkenwell , east London .
3 A singer of poignant songs , Rikoran was born near Mukden in Manchuria in 1920 of Japanese parents , but lived as a young girl with a Chinese family .
4 He had married Jemima Mott in 1816 but lived as a childless widower from 1829 after the death of his wife .
5 It frequently happens that a daughter lives with a widowed parent for 20 years or more ; if the parent changes council houses or moves from the private sector to a council house within one year of the death of the parent then on the death of the parent the council house will be the home which contains all the furniture and other articles which form part of the home and have been fitted into the council house by the parent and the daughter .
6 So he lives with a lurking fear of exposure as a fraud .
7 She felt nothing for me ; she has already forgotten me ; she lives in a drowsy round of smoking , going to the baths , painting her eyelids and drinking coffee .
8 She lives in a terraced house in Lancashire with her mum and dad and her cat , Arthur .
9 She lives in a Victorian cottage in south London with her husband Roger and their baby daughter Hannah .
10 MRS X , a housewife who lives in a small village in the South-East , became a victim of Brighton-based knockers less than a fortnight after the death of her husband , who was a keen collector of china , silver and oil paintings .
11 Now she lives in a small flat in Ladbroke Grove , with a young woman she says is her niece .
12 Finn lives in a small place in America , and having been poor , still lives in the same way .
13 One species , which lives in a small area round the Suez , certainly does ripen its eggs at full moon , and a sea urchin off California has a similar lunar cycle , so there may be some substance to the fishermen 's claim .
14 After all , despite the success of Mossad , Israel still lives in a perpetual state of fear and terrorism .
15 Heather Krohn , widow of Raleigh Krohn , now lives in a converted windmill on the island of Porto Santo .
16 Her brother Daniel , a Yarmouth fisherman , lives in a beached boat on the sands with his orphaned nephew and niece , Ham Peggotty , a boat-builder , and ‘ Little Em'ly ’ , and Mrs Gummidge , the widow of his late partner .
17 Miss Corinne Day , 27 , a fashion photographer with The Face magazine who lives in a top-floor flat in Brewer Street , said : ‘ I was putting my socks on ready to go out .
18 Unusually , the wedding is taking place at the groom 's home rather than that of the bride , whose mother lives in a sizeable mansion outside Newmarket .
19 Edward lives in a different part of town , he espouses different ideas — but he 's also seeking acceptance , due to a romantic interest in shy , true-blue Serana .
20 He lives in a comfortable house in Marimba Township , three or four miles out of Salisbury .
21 It 's larva is a fierce predator of small fish , insects and invertebrates , which lives in a silty tunnel on the lake or river bed .
22 He lives in a large house near here . ’
23 George Wheeler lives on a remote farm in Worcestershire .
24 ‘ Everyone lives on a neighbourly basis with each other .
25 At present we are living through a curious combination of the technology of the late 20th century , the free trade of the 19th and the rebirth of the sort of interstitial centres characteristic of world trade in the Middle Ages .
26 So life went on and I adapted to my new country , to living as a black youngster in a white-dominated society .
27 As well as the horror stories of the tsarist penal system and the Stalinist GULag , there are also examples of those exiles who managed to lead a relatively comfortable , if spartan , existence , taking regular exercise , hunting for sport , reading , writing and corresponding fairly freely with fellow exiles , enjoying connubial pleasures and composing theoretical treatises — one thinks particularly of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov/Lenin who spent three reasonably fruitful and unexacting years , most of the time with his wife , Nadezhda Krupskaya , living as a political exile in the home of a rich peasant in the village of Shushenskoe in southern Siberia ( 1897–1900 ) .
28 He was born when Brigitte was at the top , living as a spoilt star with actor-husband Jacques Charrier .
29 Untrained in any art school , commencing his career in the early 1930s , a homosexual , addicted to the sleazier pleasures of Soho , living for a large portion of his life in the same seedy studio in South Kensington , eschewing all official honours , and a stranger to what used to be called the ‘ salons ’ of high society , he succeeded in expressing in frightening imagery the horrors which lie embedded below the surface of life .
30 The hospital authorities had tracked her down in California , where she was enjoying success as a fabric designer and living with a famous composer of film music .
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