Example sentences of "meet [pron] at [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The man was going to meet me at the bottom of Ber Street .
2 ‘ I thought my secretary told you to meet me at the house in Edinburgh ?
3 The man at the top leaves go once you 've got it well resting on the ladder and he runs down the stairs to meet you at the bottom by which time you 've got to the bottom rung , he comes takes one side of the wardrobe , you take the other and that 's all there is to it .
4 It was a great pleasure to meet you at the Conference in Lisbon and to talk about your proposal for an introduction to CALL .
5 Kate had decided to skip the afternoon 's classes and arranged to meet him at the boatyard near the Tech .
6 A sternfaced Sergeant meets me at the entrance to the big house .
7 ‘ I 've met him at a couple of PFA functions and when it was my testimonial he sent some things down to be raffled .
8 Having met him at the station on 3 December , a Tuesday , we walked back to the Old parsonage , in St Giles 's ( now a hotel ) , where Michael Cullis had pleasant lodgings .
9 I remember when I first met you at the house of terror ; what you gave me , all that you gave me .
10 That 's right , yes , I run the Search Room there , which means that erm people come in to Pelham House , they usually meet me at a desk on the end of a telephone and I put them onto the documents that they want to look at and I make sure they 're ordered up from where they 're kept in one of the various repositories and strongrooms that we 've got , and then I produce them for them and erm if they need any help reading them and so on I give them that .
11 Meet me at the Yard in thirty minutes .
12 Meet me at the Centre after school , ’ she said , imperiously .
13 Meet me at the tower at five o'clock .
14 Meet me at the restaurant at the bottom at twelve . ’
15 Meet you at the pub on the corner , at nine ? ’
16 ‘ I 'll meet you at the car in five minutes . ’
17 ‘ I said you 'd meet him at the car in ten minutes . ’
18 He remained an active supporter of CND , boasted that his daughter had been conceived on an Aldermaston march , and had once horrified Margaret Thatcher by wearing his CND badge when he met her at a gathering of northern business people .
19 Apparently I met him at a conference on the economics of multiculturalism .
20 Garvey , anxious to keep their line of work secret , met him at the foot of the ladder with whispered protests and badly disguised anger .
21 ‘ My name is Lockwood , ’ I said , when I met him at the gate to his house .
22 Fox met him at the bottom of the stairs .
23 We jumped out and met him at the rear of the vehicle and tried to show him a letter of introduction from the Algerian Ambassador to Britain , Lakhdar Brahimi .
24 Gordon Pill , the farmer , met us at the bottom of the hill .
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