Example sentences of "meet [noun] [noun prp] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I first met Ben Johnson at the Alexander Stadium in Birmingham just prior to the Commonwealth Games .
2 When I first met Christopher Pilkington at the Centre I had no idea he was a priest and remember asking if he was the healer as one might question a plumber 's identity .
3 Tuesday , more of the same , except she seems to have met Mr Hawick at the House of Commons after work .
4 In the weeks that had passed since she had met Rupert Stonebird at the vicarage her interest in him had deepened , mainly because she had not seen him again and had therefore been able to build up a more satisfactory picture of him than if she had been able to check with reality .
5 On the same day that he declared he had no intention of altering Danzig 's status , and after meeting Ambassador Lipski at the Reich Chancellery to make the same assurance , Hitler went to a private meeting with a small group of Nazi leaders .
6 We had met Ms Keir at the offices of MVTR , where she seemed to be having trouble with her tape machines .
7 I afterwards met Mr Blair at the Congress , and observing his deep solicitude for Kildalton , I admitted the claims which its neglected state had upon my faith and affection , and remarked that it was not the pecuniary sacrifice that I should make that would deter me , so much as the expenditure I had lately incurred on my House and Glebe , and which would in a measure be thrown away , by my moving to Islay .
8 The shopping expedition came after the couple — Hollywood 's hottest property — met Princess Diana at the West End premiere of their film , Far And Away .
9 On the other hand , the statement that Hocazade , as kadi of Istanbul , was amongst the group of ulema who met Ali Kuscu at the time of his arrival to settle permanently in the Ottoman lands , which event Babinger plausibly dates in the beginning of the spring of 1472 ( Shawwal 876 ) , may , if the facts stated are correct , permit a refinement of the dating of Molla Husrev 's departure from the kadilik , which would thus appear to have occurred between Rajab and Shawwal 876 .
10 ( He met Morton Rosengarten at the Hiawatha Camp . )
11 We met Percy Brearey at the reunion this year , which was very nice .
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