Example sentences of "already [been] [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Much has already been said in the preceding pages about the subsequent progress through the learned hierarchy of the student who chose to become a muderris : with ability , luck , good connections or a combination of the three he would teach through a number of grades of medreses , eventually to turn to the mevleviyet kadiliks through which he might hope to rise ultimately to what had become by the end of the sixteenth century the principal office in the hierarchy , the Muftilik of Istanbul .
2 As has already been seen in the earlier chapters , the professions most often specified are surveyors , accountants , actuaries and engineers .
3 One new research interest had already been developing in the mid-seventies from my earlier work in semantics .
4 Indeed , as has already been highlighted in the previous discussion of cultural politics , the opposition between progressive and reactionary forces became so marked with the rise of fascism that it was less a question of reactionary versus progressive culture , than a struggle for the very existence of culture itself .
5 Much of the scope for pay reduction within the NHS has already been exploited in the competitive tendering for support services .
6 The House of Lords in two subsequent cases has retreated from the position it adopted in the original litigation , by making plain that the Government must prove some damage to the national interest and that no such damage can be established where the information has already been placed in the public domain by being published abroad .
7 This meant more than the elimination of exploitation , which had already been achieved in the Stalinist period : it meant the elimination of the oppression of man by man , which could be achieved only by the working class itself and not by a bureaucracy on its behalf .
8 The suggestion of a ‘ social contract ’ between States had already been made in the first half of the seventeenth century by Grotius .
9 There is , moreover , one piece of evidence which appears to put beyond question the pre-eminence of Fahreddin Acemi in the period following the conquest , namely the circumcision celebration for Mehmed II's two sons , held in Edirne in 861/1457 , to which reference has already been made in the previous chapter .
10 Forecasts of the economic environment have already been analysed in the previous chapter .
11 To minimise the effects of the washout we observed a delay of three hours between the intake of the last dose and the start of the washout to permit drug transit to the ileum , particularly because transit had already been accelerated in the previous three days by laxatives .
12 The impact of the West wing reopening has already been felt in the main building .
13 Companies do not pay tax on their FII since it represents dividends paid out of profits that have already been taxed in the corporate sector ( s 208 ) .
14 moved and seconded must be accepted by the Chairman , unless it is frivolous or illegal , or covers the same ground as a motion on which a decision has already been taken in the same meeting .
15 The Constitution Scrutiny Committee on Nov. 13 made substantial changes to the draft constitution , which had already been passed in the first of three readings by the National Legislative Assembly ( NLA ) .
16 Your motivation and skills have already been considered in the previous chapters .
17 Misleading parallels have already been drawn in the British press between this ‘ lost opportunity ’ and the Khalili offer .
18 The economic and social problems of the second Labour government have already been outlined in the first chapter .
19 The first visible sign of his drive for progress has already been set in the nuclear field .
20 With no background in research or technology , Fabius will take his time before embarking on radical reorganisation of an area which has already been transformed in the last two years .
21 The importance of preparation has already been mentioned in the previous chapter .
22 That " the living have no substance " has already been implied in the third paragraph , where the nouns eye , feet , hands , and figures are introduced as subjects of verbs which would more appropriately have human subjects such as men , servants , etc .
23 The most important aspect of these passing remarks in The Communist Manifesto however , have , already been discussed in the previous chapter .
24 The results for one set of three questions on a recipe was in the GT4 reference test and has already been discussed in the previous chapter .
25 The accounting implications of this have already been discussed in the previous section .
26 On the same day the first indication that such dialogue was already under way came with the announcement that evacuation of Armenian and Russian refugees and servicemen 's families from Baku had been suspended after the Popular Front had agreed to guarantee their safety ( more than 30,000 people , including most of Baku 's Armenian community , having already been evacuated in the previous 10 days ) .
27 This had already been established in the White Paper , The control of land use , ( Cmd. 6537 ) in 1944 , with the unequivocal statement : But this matter was part of a wider exercise .
28 Another reason for the prominence of And waited in the above example is that it repeats verbatim information that has already been established in the previous sentence .
29 Such systems , which are relatively cheap , have already been installed in the remoter parts of Scotland , Wales and East Anglia .
30 Clause 74 provides for the valuation bands into which dwellings are to be placed and which have already been described in the Domestic Property ( Valuation ) ( Scotland ) Regulations 1991 .
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