Example sentences of "believe that [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that Soviet leaders in retrospect probably recognised that a genuinely non-aligned Afghanistan pursuing non-radical policies was a better guardian of Soviet security interests .
2 British diplomats in Tokyo believed that increasing signs of restlessness could be perceived and that it would not be wise to delay a peace treaty for much longer .
3 He believed that clinical descriptions of neuroses do not take into account the inner experiences of the patient which may be valid and even illuminating .
4 Hearnden believed that elaborate inspections of schools are unnecessary .
5 Some authors have attributed the presence of certain southern plants such as the moss Myurium hochstetteri to the relatively frost-free winters while Clark ( 1956 ) believed that local ins of heather were less resistant to frost , resulting in a notable loss of Calluna in Harris in the winter of 1946–47 .
6 They believed that high levels of government spending were pre-empting resources that could have been used more productively in the private sector , that high taxes were stifling private enterprise , and that the abolition of the complex system of government regulations , interventions , and subsidies would unleash a new wave of private initiative and energy .
7 In this chapter I want , first of all , to outline some of the reasons for believing that different types of animal have different types of brain , and second , to discuss ways of getting round some of the difficulties created when we want to make extrapolations between species .
8 They could not believe that large numbers of mammals would eventually be found in some of the earliest rocks .
9 Western powers were wrong to believe that tsarist troops in Poland were aimed at the heart of Europe , for they were needed where they were .
10 Some critics are scathing about the vogue for ‘ child-centred ’ schemes that fail ( allegedly ) to provide young people with even the rudiments of human culture ; they believe that contemporary views of childhood and childcare are unequal to the task of producing in children such socially desirable qualities as competence , co-operation , responsibility , social sensitivity and moral awareness .
11 We believe that empirical findings of value gains in unrelated diversifications are overstated because the results of corporate catalysts are included .
12 Many of us believe that diplomatic relations with Iran should be broken off .
13 With such caveats , and open-mindedness , I believe that alternative systems of healing , which I prefer collectively to call ‘ complementary medicine ’ , should and will operate in partnership with conventional medicine .
14 We also believe that new freedoms for scheme members will strengthen accountability and benefit investors .
15 I believe that these instances of hardship arise as a direct consequence of a range of Government policies such as the introduction of the student loan scheme , the decision to exclude students from various social security benefits — for example , housing and unemployment benefits — the Government 's attitude towards local authority financing with particular reference to local authority discretionary educational awards , the level of access funds that educational establishments have at their disposal and the problems relating to schemes such at the Government 's career development loan scheme .
16 Of the other contributors , some expressed outrage , some were more optimistic , but I believe that these views of Cornall , Lawton and Hewlett typically reflected professional concerns of curriculum developers and teachers , especially those grappling with the persistent problems of how to implant enlightened ideas into a traditional subject-based curriculum .
17 Conservatives believe that high standards in education and training are the key to personal opportunity and national success .
18 We believe that further benefits to consumers would flow from additional competition .
19 Given the present hopeful international situation , we believe that further reductions in levels of armaments will be able to be made without in any way endangering security .
20 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
21 It is believed that 96 followers of Koresh , including 17 children , remain inside the compound .
22 The federation believes that 53,000 jobs in engineering will disappear next year — a fall of 2.5 per cent — with mechanical and electrical engineering and the car industry the worst affected .
23 Elizabeth Rickards , vice-principal of Duff Miller Sixth-Form College in London , believes that new types of examination mean that cramming in the old-fashioned way is impossible .
24 In his statement , Subba Row , who is 57 years old , stressed that he believes that five years in office is sufficient , and that negotiating the International Cricket Conference agreement on South Africa , announced in January , was quite enough to be remembered by .
25 Militant believes that basic reforms in society can not be achieved without victory in the class struggle .
26 The commission believes that tougher standards on fuels and engines should be introduced by the government at the earliest possible date to provide an incentive to the transport industry .
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