Example sentences of "believe that [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He believed that Soviet leaders in retrospect probably recognised that a genuinely non-aligned Afghanistan pursuing non-radical policies was a better guardian of Soviet security interests .
2 Arabella Keneally , a strong anti-feminist and populariser of medical views on women ( especially those of Geddes and Thompson ) , believed that higher education for women induced hormonal imbalance .
3 Almost all Japanese believed that colonial rule in Korea should be extended for a very lengthy period , if not permanently .
4 British diplomats in Tokyo believed that increasing signs of restlessness could be perceived and that it would not be wise to delay a peace treaty for much longer .
5 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
6 He believed that clinical descriptions of neuroses do not take into account the inner experiences of the patient which may be valid and even illuminating .
7 Hearnden believed that elaborate inspections of schools are unnecessary .
8 The Chiefs of Staff believed that some measure of West German rearmament was unavoidable .
9 This was not because he had any interest in values realized in animal life , but because he believed that some degree of goodness pertained to things or states of affairs which do not involve consciousness of any kind .
10 Some authors have attributed the presence of certain southern plants such as the moss Myurium hochstetteri to the relatively frost-free winters while Clark ( 1956 ) believed that local ins of heather were less resistant to frost , resulting in a notable loss of Calluna in Harris in the winter of 1946–47 .
11 They believed that high levels of government spending were pre-empting resources that could have been used more productively in the private sector , that high taxes were stifling private enterprise , and that the abolition of the complex system of government regulations , interventions , and subsidies would unleash a new wave of private initiative and energy .
12 They believed that this course of action was morally and politically desirable despite the fact that the manufacture of napalm did not generate much profit , that the company 's manufacturing facilities could have been more profitably employed in the manufacture of some other chemical , and that the company 's public image and recruitment activities were being damaged by the continued manufacture of napalm .
13 And I believed that this world of darkness and changing images went on without a break , as unceasingly as the other less real one outside , wherever outside was , and by some unlikely philanthropic gesture of the city corporation was allowed to co-exist and be connected by the little dark doors with dark portholes .
14 In this chapter I want , first of all , to outline some of the reasons for believing that different types of animal have different types of brain , and second , to discuss ways of getting round some of the difficulties created when we want to make extrapolations between species .
15 But I do believe that one act of violence seeds another . ’
16 They could not believe that large numbers of mammals would eventually be found in some of the earliest rocks .
17 But we do n't believe that those sort of problems can be solved centrally , we believe that local communities can look at their own areas and see what they can do to lessen the problem .
18 We do not believe that this kind of analysis can be politically or morally neutral — and nor should it , for our understanding of the situation is that the penal system is morally indefensible and is in dire need of a programme of radical reform which will inevitably be highly political .
19 Western powers were wrong to believe that tsarist troops in Poland were aimed at the heart of Europe , for they were needed where they were .
20 I would still find it very hard to believe that any evidence of mitigation would justify a non-custodial sentence , to someone who has broken twenty-three bones in their child 's body .
21 It is hard to believe that any fall in Polly Peck-owned Vestel 's share price could be mostly due to the Gulf crisis
22 It would be foolish to believe that any group of people can interact without a political undercurrent .
23 But it also strained credulity to believe that any sort of war where any sort of nuclear weapons were available would not eventually lead to full-scale atomic destruction .
24 There is every reason to believe that this degree of movement was typical of the corn-growing regions , but we have to constantly bear in mind that one part of England may have very different experiences from another and that even neighbouring communities might have contrasting stories to tell .
25 ‘ Yes , I know some people might think we are because we occasionally partner each other , but you should have known better — or perhaps not , since you never had any scruples about being a party to another man 's infidelity six years ago , which leads me to believe that this show of conscience on Cavell 's behalf is just that — show !
26 Side by side with Voltaire and Kant , with their admiration of constructive and public-spirited autocrats , were others such as Helvétius , Holbach , Diderot and Rousseau , who refused to believe that this form of rule , however ‘ enlightened ’ , could do anything for the liberation of the individual subject .
27 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
28 Have you any reason to believe that either set of parents might make demands on either partner which would make ‘ leaving ’ difficult ?
29 Some critics are scathing about the vogue for ‘ child-centred ’ schemes that fail ( allegedly ) to provide young people with even the rudiments of human culture ; they believe that contemporary views of childhood and childcare are unequal to the task of producing in children such socially desirable qualities as competence , co-operation , responsibility , social sensitivity and moral awareness .
30 We believe that empirical findings of value gains in unrelated diversifications are overstated because the results of corporate catalysts are included .
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