Example sentences of "believe to have [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 One of the first things to catch the visitor 's eye when starting down from the castle esplanade is a cannonball lodged in the wall of a house , believed to have been fired from the castle at Holyroodhouse in 1745 when anti-Jacobite forces on the Castle Rock were at odds with Prince Charles Edward at the lower end of the town .
2 The man , suffering from a leg injury believed to have been caused by the fall , was taken to hospital for treatment .
3 The Southport woman is one of many people believed to have been tricked by the 38-year-old Glaswegian who masterminded a sting from a car showroom in Rufford , near Ormskirk .
4 Excavation has also uncovered the impressive rock-cut ditch of the Norman motte and bailey castle , believed to have been built in the 1080s .
5 Besides the First Century cave , the archaeologists have discovered a group of other man-made caverns believed to have been used by the Second Century anti-Roman Jewish rebel , Bar-Kokhba .
6 The meeting , believed to have been suggested by the Soviet Union , is the first such encounter since 1971 .
7 However , in December the government achieved a breakthrough in its protracted campaign to trace and retrieve the huge sums believed to have been looted from the country by the Marcos family , when the Swiss Supreme Court ruled that funds held by the family in Swiss bank accounts should be returned to the government of the Philippines , but stipulated that this could be done only after a Philippines ' court had ruled against Marcos [ see p. 37961 ] .
8 The first church here is believed to have been built in the fifth-century on the site of a pagan temple to Apollo .
9 The surprise move is believed to have been precipitated by the privately held company 's unprofitable year-end results tallied as of March 31 .
10 Although it was officially denied , commentators suggested that the decision had been taken in order to settle the lingering controversy surrounding the referendum of 1946 , widely believed to have been rigged by the communists , whereby the monarchy had been abolished .
11 The judge rejected a claim for compensation for psychological damage by a mother and her daughter , who was believed to have been abused by the mother 's boyfriend .
12 Nearly £35,000 in cash and £450,000 in cheques is believed to have been stolen from the administrator 's home following the first show on Saturday .
13 Valente and Houtekens , along with six relatives , were originally believed to have been seized by the FRC while sailing off the coast of Lebanon in November 1987 .
14 Lady Richelda is believed to have been told by the Virgin Mary to build a replica of her house in Nazareth .
15 With the release of Buckley 's remains the bodies of only two Western hostages remained unaccounted for , Michel Seurat ( France ) who had died of cancer during captivity , and Alec Collett ( UK ) who was believed to have been executed by the Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Moslems in reprisal for the US bombing raid on Libya in April 1986 .
16 The attack was believed to have been linked to the second anniversary on Dec. 9 of the Palestinian intifada in the occupied territories .
17 About 1,300 haemophiliacs were believed to have been infected by the HIV virus from transfusions of contaminated blood in 1985 .
18 And police in Jersey are examining what they believe may be the remains of Nicholas and Elizabeth who are believed to have been murdered on the island six years ago .
19 The fires are believed to have been triggered by the annual practice among peasant farmers of burning off land prior to the wet season .
20 These objects are actually made of brass , but are believed to have been used for the weighing of gold dust ( fig. 9.4 ) .
21 An expensive colour photocopier is believed to have been used by the forgers to copy what is thought to have been a genuine blank MOT form .
22 The gunman is believed to have been waiting for the women and chidren to come out of the shop .
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