Example sentences of "yet [prep] [art] same [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In 110 we find straightforward confession : Yet in the same sentence we find specious self-excuses : ‘ but , by all above ’ , — this unusual oath , calling the heavens to witness , is an anticipatory give-away — Well , the disbelieving reader will say , to claim that you betrayed your partner merely to test your love for him , which has supposedly been increased by the experiment — this is to add insult to injury .
2 And yet in the same lecture he had expressed his belief that the tradition of which he spoke was drawing to a close ; and , in the poem , the encounter with the familiar but only half-glimpsed figure is charged with a sense of transitoriness and loss :
3 Doctrinally , the canons were undeniably Calvinist in outlook ; yet at the same time they expressed some ambivalence over the doctrine of predestination , and hinted at a recognition of the potentially damaging consequences of it being inadequately or incorrectly explained to the laity .
4 Yet at the same time they welcomed the way the study mapped out areas on concern , in relation to the respective responsibilities of company directors executive and non-executive , auditors and shareholders , much of which remain unaddressed even after the Cadbury report .
5 The British could only watch and hope , yet at the same time they provoked some American complaints that their instinctive reaction in an emergency was to look for a compromise .
6 There had already been a kerfuffle over the pornographic ones ; they could n't be included in the facsimile edition and yet at the same time it could hardly be called a complete edition if they were n't there .
7 As with all good day dreams you were confident that one day this world would materialize and yet at the same time it seemed as unattainable as another planet .
8 Yet at the same time it reminded her all too clearly of something she was dreading more and more .
9 It has antiseptic properties to help fight pimples , acts like a cleanser because it draws dirt out of pores , yet at the same time it moisturises and softens too .
10 ‘ There was plenty of flak over the target area , and I kept looking at my useless chute , yet at the same time it was treated as a huge joke by us all , with the rest of the crew saying that no way was I going down with any of them if need be !
11 In addressing the problem of how British headhunting firms , in competition with the multinational search companies , were able to create and develop a sustained demand for headhunting services , it would be unnecessarily long-winded and tedious to examine every one in detail , yet at the same time it would be sketchy and uninformative to list them all briefly without analysis , and the basic information is given in the Select Directory .
12 Yet at the same time it created a potential new ‘ problem ’ with regard to how ownership of land was to be transferred .
13 Repeated use is perceived as necessary in order to survive , yet at the same time it contributes to further decline .
14 Earlier Liberal Democrat Simon Hughes said that in a month Mr Lamont could announce proposals which would make 10 million people ineligible for legal aid yet at the same time he had been ‘ allowed £4,000 , his own private legal aid scheme , to pay his own private bill for an entirely private matter ’ .
15 Yet at the same time he was edging back from his long concern with heroic valour , or hobbitic moral courage .
16 He examined her carapace , her tough coiled-spring legs ; and knew that he was examining Meh'Lindi intimately , yet at the same time he was n't .
17 They were all questions which both puzzled and disturbed him , yet at the same time he knew she was the key to helping him expose the diversion at the plant .
18 The President issued a series of neutrality proclamations , yet at the same time he persuaded Congress to extend the " cash and carry " principle to include armaments .
19 yet at the same time he yearns for something beyond sight .
20 Because I could n't countenance how you could stay under water without being asphyxiated , and yet at the same time I was incapable of comprehending the trick .
21 Yet at the same time I imagined what the celebrations would be like at Molineux .
22 Yet at the same time there is work done upon it , he wrote , and which remains , as it does not in the mind .
23 Yet at the same time there was discontinuity , for Jesus taught ‘ not as the scribes ’ , for unlike them his message was self-authenticating .
24 Yet at the same time she knew that she actually was Martha — she felt like Martha deep within her and had , in fact , completely forgotten why she was being hypnotized and regressed .
25 She felt an absolute wreck , yet at the same time she felt acutely self-aware .
26 Emma had sprung round from her crouching position now ; her whole body was trembling , yet at the same time she looked taut .
27 Yet at the same time his work began to display doubts and uncertainty : the oils produced in 1949 are uneven , their coarseness at times less deliberate than despairing .
28 Yet at the same time his remark provoked a traitorous pang of delight .
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