Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] the [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 I urge them to continue to meet the necessary level of funding to maintain and update where necessary what has been achieved .
2 8.6.1 procure for the right to continue to use the Converted Text of the Work , or
3 SOARING bad debts continue to hit the Royal Bank of Scotland .
4 Opposition parties continue to accuse the ruling PS of suppression of dissent , in particular by restricting access to the media and by an unfair electoral law .
5 Schools and colleges continue to provide the vast majority of candidates ; there were nearly twice as many candidates from local authorities ' community education centres than from the private centres .
6 To the extent that we continue to celebrate the traditional myth of the entrepreneurial hero , we will slow the progress of change and adaptation that is essential to our economic success .
7 Although Futurism succumbed to the ravages of the First World War and its surviving adherents were later to be put to flight by Mussolini , many of its observations and its leading artists , such as Severini , Picabia , Boccioni and Balla continue to inspire the main stream of modern art .
8 This has not prevented all sorts of writers , particularly those of a philosophical bent , in continuing to assert the unresolved mystery of cave/particle duality .
9 same sort of direction continue to do the same sort of things .
10 Despite this broad formulation , the courts still continue to use the second limb of the formula , that a requirement of the Act has not been complied with .
11 Continue to repeat the unchanging part of the sentence , but the different endings could be : teeth but no mouth ? … an eye but no sight ? … hands but no arms ? … legs but no feet ? … a neck but no head ? … skin but no bones ? … a core but no heart ? … arms but no hands ?
12 Those are aimed at reducing the risk of terrorist attack to both drivers and passengers while , in the public interest , continuing to allow the easy identification of legitimate taxis and drivers .
13 Our members therefore continue to appreciate the good value of the scheme .
14 FLOOD-damaged Llandudno General Hospital reopens this morning as management continue to assess the full cost of the disaster .
15 If you continue to eat the same kind of foods , and only increase your intake to the normal 2,000 mark by eating a little bit more of the same , life and the measuring tape should hold no terrors for you .
16 They continue to perpetrate the discredited myth of economic invincibility rather than reflect the harsh realities of recession and reunification .
17 As long as those who use the concept of structured dependency continue to make the automatic association of retirement with dependency , and of work with independence , they will continue to bolster conservative notions of the competitive work ethic .
18 The American companies continue to dominate the higher-priced end of the market .
19 In contrast , however , the treatment of laminar flow can be continued to indicate the detailed form of the velocity profile ( eqn ( 11.54 ) ) , whereas nothing more can be derived about the turbulent flow without additional assumptions or experimental observations .
20 UNITA was said to have continued to shell the eastern town of Luena , and to have launched attacks in other places , until a matter of hours before the ceasefire came into effect .
21 The Energy Efficiency Office in my Department continues to promote the wider use of the technology under its best practice programme .
22 It can be argued that such mothers may not develop protective IgG antibodies and may continue to carry the same strain of group B streptococcus .
23 So Iran continues to uphold the territorial integrity of its old enemy at the same time as bombing it .
24 It is the marker of ‘ force ’ and hence continues to sustain the continuing paradox of ‘ police force — police service ’ which remains unresolved , on which I will say more later in relation to the role of women police officers .
25 When Khrushchev visited President Eisenhower in the United States of America , the Chinese authorities became furious , and denounced Khrushchev , so he cut off all military and economic aid to China , although he continued to support the Communist leader of Cuba , Fidel Castro .
26 The National Administrative Council continued to support the loose federation of European " Left " Socialist Parties , described as " renegades from Communism , Brandlerites and counter-revolutionary Trotskyists " by the Communist Party .
27 For example , after the burgh council stopped the Kilmarnock scheme Professor John Mansbridge of the University of Edinburgh continued to monitor the dental health of children in Kilmarnock and in the control community of Ayr .
28 The successful Management Training Scheme continues to provide the main source of management recruitment .
29 ‘ Our computerised systems have definitely played a big part in the fact that our guests keep on returning to Hallery House ; the hotel continues to provide the same level of efficient , friendly service ( whether or not we are there in person ourselves ) at all times .
30 The Plan warns , however , that the inflation rate of book and manuscript prices continues to outpace the general rate of inflation and this year 's increase in Purchase Grant .
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