Example sentences of "continue [to-vb] [prep] [art] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If it is assumed that the age structure of the inward flow and the outward flow is similar and that those who leave continue to reproduce at the same rate as those of a similar age who stay then an estimate of the number of births to women who leave can be made ( table ) .
2 ‘ It is important , if you are to continue to live in the same house . ’
3 If Japan 's lending had continued to expand at the same pace as in recent years it would have overtaken Britain in 1992 .
4 On the assumption that they would continue to fall at the same rate as in the first half of the decade , it was estimated that the population would be only one tenth of its size in a hundred years time .
5 He continued to work until a few years ago and from then on passed much of his time in London .
6 He and the housekeeper continued to converse for a few minutes and finally he said , ‘ Very well , Mrs Pettifer , sherry at six . ’
7 He fell into step beside her and they continued to walk in the same direction .
8 Courtaulds International will continue to focus on the same products and markets as before , supplying paint for a while range of end uses , from ships , chemical plants and houses to washing machines , furniture and beer cans .
9 The Duke and Duchess went about their normal business and will continue to live under the same roof until the separation details are finalised .
10 After Wordsworth 's marriage she continued to live in the same house ; in 1829 she became seriously ill , suffering from arteriosclerosis .
11 Still the stitch continued to drop in the same area .
12 Hence they are faced with a dilemma : the business may continue to operate at the same level , but without the prospect of expansion , or they may alter the form of business enterprise to a partnership or a company .
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