Example sentences of "expect [to-vb] at [adv] [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 Expected to take at least four years to achieve , these will see the creation of a wide range of specialised habitats salt marsh , sand dunes , mountain stream , moorland and wetland all with their associated tree and plant life .
2 They are expected to take at least 30 years to mature .
3 Taking account again of the public concern about violent crime , in future I intend to exercise my discretion so that murderers of police or prison officers , terrorist murderers , sexual or sadistic murderers of children and murderers by firearm in the course of robbery can normally expect to serve at least 20 years in custody ; and there will be cases where the gravity of the offence requires a still longer period .
4 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
5 As part of the post-war baby bulge , I am confidently expecting to spend at least 20 years in retirement along with an unprecedented number of my peers .
6 The government still intends to introduce Islam 's sharia law , but only once the people have been ‘ educated ’ , a process expected to take at least three years .
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