Example sentences of "expect [to-vb] [prep] [adv] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of developing countries , different dates of origin may in themselves be expected to lead to quite different features in their industrial relations despite the attainment of a similar stage of economic development .
2 — The public inquiry is expected to last at least two months and three pre-inquiry meetings have been held two in Northallerton and one in Marton , Middlesbrough .
3 The inquiry runs from Tuesday to Thursday ( 10am-4.30pm ) and Friday ( 10am-2pm ) each week and is expected to last at least two months .
4 The conference is expected to last at least three months — but by the end of it the Department of Transport may have a publically acceptable solution to Hereford 's traffic jams .
5 Last night , the League was expected to have at least 26 seats in the 315-seat Senate and at least 60 in the 430-seat Chamber of Deputies .
6 By the early 1980s its annual emission had been reduced to 630,000 tonnes ( equivalent to the total national emissions of sulphur dioxide from countries such as Sweden , Belgium and Denmark ) and , in line with Canadian policy , it is expected to decrease to around 300,000 tonnes by 1995 .
7 Expected to take at least four years to achieve , these will see the creation of a wide range of specialised habitats salt marsh , sand dunes , mountain stream , moorland and wetland all with their associated tree and plant life .
8 They are expected to take at least 30 years to mature .
9 Although the Sardar Sarovar dam is only partly complete , the rise in water level caused by the forthcoming monsoon rains is expected to drown at least four villages .
10 This presentation will be held in private ; the Developers are expected to speak for about 30 minutes , after which there will be an opportunity to ask questions of them .
11 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
12 Taking account again of the public concern about violent crime , in future I intend to exercise my discretion so that murderers of police or prison officers , terrorist murderers , sexual or sadistic murderers of children and murderers by firearm in the course of robbery can normally expect to serve at least 20 years in custody ; and there will be cases where the gravity of the offence requires a still longer period .
13 At the same time the Secretary of State gave notice that for certain categories of crime where life sentences had been passed , the offenders could expect to spend at least 20 years in prison .
14 As part of the post-war baby bulge , I am confidently expecting to spend at least 20 years in retirement along with an unprecedented number of my peers .
15 English Nature , the government 's wildlife adviser , expects to recommend at least 20 sites for SPA protection in 1993/94. * Slapton Ley , a coastal freshwater lake in south Devon , has been upgraded from a site of special scientific interest to a national nature reserve .
16 The government still intends to introduce Islam 's sharia law , but only once the people have been ‘ educated ’ , a process expected to take at least three years .
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