Example sentences of "expect [prep] be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another march is being held in Bonn next Monday , three days before the summit , when 50,000 Germans are expected to be on the streets .
2 The subject is expected to be on the agenda when the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board , Alan Greenspan , becomes the first US central bank chief to visit Moscow this weekend .
3 Age had given Norman Lamont a faintly oriental look ; the sound had been turned off , but it was plain from the speaker 's gestures that jam , or whatever was its Japanese equivalent , if it were not on today 's bill of fare , was certainly expected to be on the morrow 's .
4 It is important to note that the Act does not require all landowners to fence against the highway : in moorland areas of Wales and the north of England this would be an intolerable burden and in such areas a motorist must be expected to be on the look out for straying livestock .
5 The permit holder must state how long the skip is expected to be on the road .
6 The financial forecasts do not assume that such funds will be available , but reflect the position as it is expected to be on the basis of reasonably firm government funding projections , with Management Studies developing slowly and with no major physical developments other than those funded by outside sources .
7 As a result , people can expect to be on the waiting list for about seven years whereas under the Labour Government it was about one year .
8 Roads to Ruin , responded the Green Alliance , which estimates that parking alone for all the new cars expected to be on the road in 2025 would require an area larger than Berkshire .
9 Middlesbrough midfield player Andy Peake has been recalled to today 's team with Mark Proctor expected to be on the substitutes ' bench .
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