Example sentences of "right [prep] [noun] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The claim was for a conciliation board , a national minimum rate of wages , a manning scale for stokehold , deck and galley , the abolition of medical examinations by a doctors privately appointed by the Shipping Federation offices , the right of seamen to a portion of their wages while in port and to have a representative present while signing on , the fixing of working hours and overtime rates and improved forecastle accommodation .
2 In the last few years the courts have contrived in effect to extend the substance of a right of occupation to a mistress who has lived on an originally permanent basis with a man , but who has now lost her partner either through death or as a result of some form of desertion .
3 The cab paused at an intersection to give right of way to a car chase .
4 In 1692 , however , he sold the bulk of his holdings and the right of proprietorship to a syndicate of forty-eight London merchants , the West New Jersey Society , for £9,800 .
5 Since Henry II 's time the advowson , or right of presentation to a benefice , had been construed as though it were a piece of landed property justiciable in the king 's courts , not the church 's .
6 Lautro 's Rules have now been amended but when the intervention notice was served on 31 October 1990 , they were defective in not giving a right of appeal to a person or body in the position of W. Plc. , and in not giving such a person the right to have the decision to serve the notice rescinded .
7 In my view , when the intervention notice was served on 31 October 1990 , Lautro 's Rules were defective in not giving such a right of appeal to a person or body in the position of Winchester , and in not giving such a person the right to seek to have the decision to serve the notice rescinded .
8 A moment ago , the Home Secretary said that every applicant for asylum would have the right of appeal to a tribunal .
9 All viewers have a right of access to a variety of programmes , at prime viewing time , which respond to their requirements concerning information , culture and entertainment without any other restriction than payment of a fee .
10 Here we are concerned in particular with the right to silence and the right of access to a solicitor .
11 Compounding the problem were proposals to remove asylum seekers right of access to a solicitor under the legal aid scheme .
12 None the less , it is broadly speaking true that the Church had exalted the monarch in the tenth century , and abased him in the twelfth ; that the Church had taught obedience to him in the tenth century when ancient rights of resistance to a king who broke his subjects ' rights and liberties still flourished ; and that in the twelfth century Church and people exchanged ideas about the bases for the right of resistance .
13 The decisions of an arbitrator are subject to rights of appeal to a court on a point of law under the Arbitration Act 1979 , whereas there is no right of appeal against the decision of an expert even if the decision was negligent .
14 introduced rights to check certain personal records held on computer , and supported new rights of access to a range of government records ;
15 Some see corporatism grandly as a total economic system distinct from capitalism and socialism ; some see corporatism as a particular kind of " state form " distinct from , say , parliamentarianism , where citizens participate in the determination of policies through the exercise of voting rights in relation to a parliament ; and still others see corporatism rather more modestly and fruitfully as connoting a particular system of interest-group politics and representation distinct from the pluralist system that we have just discussed .
16 Unlike novation , assignment involves the transfer of property namely the rights in relation to a contract which continues to exist and is not extinguished .
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