Example sentences of "talk [prep] him [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It took many months more for me to feel safe enough to talk to him about The Fat Controller , but there came a time , when the memory of our last vertiginous encounter had dimmed , that I became prepared to risk it .
2 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
3 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
4 He openly talked of him as the probable successor to the see of Canterbury .
5 I talked to him after a recent gig in Manchester ( which saw Robben playing with Roscoe Beck on bass and drummer Tom Brechtlien ) and asked him about his new album .
6 We talk to him about the inner turmoil he had been feeling during his long drought and about his high hopes for the future .
7 They stopped saying , you know , would you buy a used car from this man and started talking about him as the international peacemaker .
8 I 'm , I 'm talking to him about the planned s filing system as well , which is
9 Finding out about your client provides opportunities for talking to him in a relaxed and warm manner and for showing that you are interested in him as a person .
10 ‘ And I am not talking to him in the other room . ’
11 " It was just like talking to him in the old days in Algiers in Allied Force Headquarters . "
12 ‘ Then I 'd talk to him about the socio-economic roots of poverty . ’
13 Paul knew Nathan , as a rule , and would talk to him in a slurred voice ; Nathan had a notebook and pencil ready , and would jot down any thoughts that came , going through them afterwards as if they had been jewels .
14 He also talks to him about the possible relationship between stress , smoking , poor dietary habits , alcohol and the incidence of peptic ulcers so that Peter understands what is happening and can consider what changes he might make in his lifestyle .
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