Example sentences of "be left [prep] the jury " in BNC.

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1 The Homicide Act 1957 deprived judges of their power to give authoritative rulings on the sufficiency of provocation , and the question must now be left to the jury , which should apply the test of the ‘ reasonable man ’ to everything said or done before the killing which might amount to provocation .
2 In both these cases it was held that the alternative of a manslaughter verdict ought to be left to the jury where the occasion justifies action in self-defence , or to prevent a crime , or to apprehend an offender , but where the defendant acts beyond the necessity of that occasion .
3 It also rejected the Crown 's argument that the issue of consent should be left to the jury — in the same way as the question of dishonesty is left to them in theft cases — but its actual decision comes fairly close to this position .
4 It suggested that submission obtained by threats other than of violence might suffice for rape and held that it should be left to the jury , with adequate direction from the judge , to make up its mind whether or not on the facts of each case the woman had truly consented .
5 This will leave the defence to raise the issue of consent , which will then be left to the jury .
6 Whether the accused had that intent had to be left to the jury .
7 The law was simple to state and was in accordance with Brutus v Cozens [ 1973 ] AC 854 , where the House of Lords held that ordinary English words such as " insulting " should be left for the jury .
8 Whether the victim did rely on the representation must be left for the jury : Attewell-Hughes ( 1991 ) 93 Cr App R 132 ( CA ) .
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