Example sentences of "transition from [noun sg] to [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 One means was actually to take control of the youth 's entry into full-time wage-earning , in order to control the transition from school to work and , by offering vocational guidance and encouraging attendance at continuation schools together with an after-care system , to set initial standards with regard to attitudes and behaviour .
2 Whatever the force of these criticisms , Willis had introduced the role of the sub-culture into the transition from school to work and had shown how this was developed within the group — something which large scale surveys with their pre-structured questions and their questioning of individuals in isolation had been unable to do .
3 The Teddy Boys also coexisted with compulsory military service — which is so often wheeled out as a panacea for the troubles of youth — and national service was even condemned in the 1950s as ‘ a positive adverse influence on young people ’ because of the way in which it interrupted the transition from school to work and encouraged an ‘ eat , drink and be merry ’ philosophy .
4 Transition from school to adult and working life has been receiving increased attention in most developed countries over the last decade .
5 The equilibrium can be presented as Lquid — Vapour This equilibrium is a balance between two phase transitions , that is , the transition from liquid to vapour and the transition from vapour to liquid .
6 Diana has made the transition from girl to woman and has become secure and fulfilled ; Charles has confronted the spectre of middle age and doubt , and emerged certain .
7 Adolescence is a period of progressive transition from childhood to adulthood and as experience of life is acquired and intelligence and understanding grow , so will the scope of the decision-making which should be left to the minor , for it is only by making decisions and experiencing the consequences that decision-making skills will be acquired .
8 His initial concern was with the transition from work to retirement and he has subsequently been involved in work on health education , notably the role of community care as it relates to older people .
9 The last point indicates the importance of the expanding market system and the transition from feudalism to capitalism as homogenizing forces in the later reduction of local differences .
10 Scathach tugged at the crude bridles of the three horses and the beasts , terrified by the transition from tranquillity to rage and protesting loudly , stepped through .
11 While they advocated and worked for such extensions of democracy the European social democratic parties , whether or not they claimed to be Marxist and revolutionary , were also , for the most part , firmly committed to political democracy in the narrower sense ; and where the necessary conditions were present — the legal existence of socialist parties , elections conducted on the basis of ( at least ) universal male suffrage , and participation in parliament and government — they made plain that although they did not renounce extra-parliamentary forms of class action they envisaged the transition from capitalism to socialism as coming about through the will of a majority of citizens , clearly and publicly expressed in elections .
12 The transition from soldier to peasant and vice versa was normal .
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