Example sentences of "amount [prep] [adj] more than [art] " in BNC.

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1 The certificate on form R190(SD) must be completed but this can be done at any time and amounts to little more than a claim procedure .
2 It 's all sturdy and dense and impressively intense , but it amounts to little more than a grumpy grumble from the arty side of town .
3 A good string orchestra can attain a degree of pianissimo which amounts to little more than an attenuated whisper , and is also capable of a robust and solid fortissimo which is almost ‘ brassy ’ in its effect .
4 The Brundtland Commission may have made sustainable development the end-of-century watchword , defining it as ‘ development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ’ , but even Tolba has wondered aloud whether it amounts to much more than a shibboleth .
5 The extent of formal training given by employing organisations was usually minimal , amounting to little more than an introduction , with other skills being learned on the job .
6 ‘ Pride and dignity ’ appears to be barely different from conventional ambition/self-presentation/self-nurture , ultimately amounting to little more than the uncritical desire to participate in society on its own terms .
7 In the Western media the University unrest was given prominent and extensive coverage , although it appeared to amount to little more than a mass bout of bottle throwing , which was nevertheless an act of political defiance aimed at the country 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping , whose last name was a homonym for the words " little bottle " .
8 For the moment , the revolution of 1327 seemed to amount to little more than the replacement of one greedy and unscrupulous faction by another .
9 While some contributions amount to little more than a description of manufacturers ' software , others delve into the concepts and methodologies .
10 Again most of these stars are red , with spectral types of M , R , N or S. Their amplitudes are less than for the Mira stars , and usually amount to little more than a magnitude .
11 The distinction between capital and maintenance schemes can sometimes amount to little more than an administrative technicality , and as grants for capital schemes are reduced , there is a possibility that old-style capital works will be slipped by under the banner of maintenance .
12 The sharpest criticism levelled was that the collection amounted to little more than a reshuffling .
13 This amounted to little more than a regrading of established Yorkist bureaucrats , and the same can be said of the exchequer , where the office of treasurer , left empty by the death of the earl of Essex , was filled by the earl 's former deputy John Wood .
14 The front-page story lacked most of the details with which Tracey had supplied her , and amounted to little more than a rewritten version of the PA copy she had seen .
15 This amounted to little more than a regrading of established Yorkist bureaucrats , and the same can be said of the exchequer , where the office of treasurer , left empty by the death of the earl of Essex , was filled by the earl 's former deputy John Wood .
16 Although this amounted to little more than a restatement of previously-agreed policies , including the Clean Air Act of 1990 [ see ED no 41/42 ] and the planned phase-out of chlorofluorocarbons , it did for the first time set a tentative target , suggesting that emissions of greenhouse gases in the year 2000 would be " equal to 1987 levels " .
17 A great deal of it amounted to little more than an adjunct to farming , typically by smallholders plying a trade on the side .
18 Whatever Isabella 's private intentions may have been , the deposition of the king had so far formed no part of her publicly declared programme , which amounted to little more than the removal of the Despensers .
19 His well-meaning attempt at being nice to Black Britons amounted to little more than the recital of a catalogue of sporting achievement .
20 Another writer has argued that , apart from the period of financial crisis in the immediate aftermath of the war , government control amounted to little more than the application of Keynesian nostrums and wartime controls rather than the application of thoroughgoing plans for the reconstruction of industry .
21 Extended development of heads and others has in the past amounted to little more than the agglomeration of courses relating to specific short-term issues .
22 It fears that the ¥200 billion school project will amount to little more than a bail-out of struggling Japanese computer makers — such as NEC , which made its first ever consolidated loss , of ¥44 billion , in the year to March .
23 A failure to consult in accordance with a clear duty to do so before the decision to close a unit may be ruled unlawful , but may amount to little more than a Pyrrhic victory for the applicants for judicial review .
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