Example sentences of "elect for a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Field Chair is elected for a two-year period by the staff members of the field committee and is eligible for re-election .
2 Legislative power is held by a 72-member unicameral National Congress , similarly elected for a four-year term ( with 60 members elected on a provincial basis every two years and 12 members elected for a four-year term on a national basis ) .
3 Legislative power is vested in the 72-member unicameral National Congress , 12 of whose members are elected for a four-year term on a national basis and the remainder , whose seats are renewable after two years , on a provincial basis .
4 Under the 1949 Basic Law the Federal Republic is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are : ( i ) the Bundestag ( lower house of parliament ) elected for a four-year term in universal , direct , free and secret elections ; ( ii ) the Bundesrat ( upper house ) , now comprising 65 members of the governments of the Republic 's 16 Länder ( states ) ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) , comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; ( iv ) the Federal Government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President ) , together with his or her ministers ; and ( v ) the Federal Constitutional Court ( Bundesverfassungsgericht ) , whose judges are elected by the Bundestag and Bundesrat to serve 12-year non-renewable terms .
5 Under the provisions of the 1982 Constitution executive power is exercised by a President elected for a four-year term by a simple majority of votes .
6 Legislative authority is held by the bicameral Congress , comprising a 27-member Senate and a 130-member Chamber of Deputies , both elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
7 The unicameral 300-member Chamber of Deputies is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage under a system of reinforced proportional representation .
8 The Kingdom of Thailand ( formerly Siam ) is a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliament consisting of a 261-member Senate appointed by the monarch , currently King Bhumipol Adulyadej , on the recommendation of the Prime Minister , and a 347-member House of Representatives elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage .
9 Under its 1949 Basic Law ( Constitution ) , the Federal Republic of Germany ( West Germany ) is a " democratic and social federal state " whose organs are ( i ) the Federal Diet ( Bundestag ) , the lower house of parliament , comprising 497 members elected for a four-year term by a mixed system of proportional representation and direct voting , and 22 members elected by the West Berlin House of Representatives ; ( ii ) the Federal Council ( Bundesrat ) , the upper house of parliament , comprising 41 members of the governments of the Republic 's 10 Länder ( states ) and four representatives appointed by the West Berlin Senate ; ( iii ) the Federal President ( Bundespräsident — currently Richard von Weizsäcker ) elected for a five-year term by the Federal Assembly ( Bundesversammlung ) comprising the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of delegates nominated by the Länder parliaments ; and ( iv ) the federal government ( Bundesregierung ) consisting of the Federal Chancellor ( Bundeskanzler — currently Helmut Kohl ) elected by the Bundestag on the proposal of the Federal President and his or her ministers .
10 Executive power in internal affairs is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the 21-seat Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage , most recently in January 1989 , when the People 's Electoral Movement ( Movimento Electoral di Pueblo — MEP ) won 10 seats , and with the support of the Aruban Patriotic party ( Partido Patriótico Arubano — PPA ) and the National Democratic Action ( Acción Democrático Nacional — ADN ) formed a government [ see p. 37075 ] .
11 Executive power in internal affairs is vested in a Council of Ministers , responsible to the 22-seat Staten ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult suffrage , most recently in March 1990 , when Prime Minister Maria Liberia Peters 's National People 's Party ( Partido Nashonal di Pueblo — PNP ) won seven seats and continued to lead a coalition government .
12 The unicameral 300-member parliament ( Vouli ) is elected for a four-year term by universal suffrage under a system of proportional representation .
13 Under its 1921 Constitution it has a government appointed by the Prince on the proposal of the 25-seat Landtag ( parliament ) , which is elected for a four-year term by universal adult sufferage .
14 Belau has a President , elected for a four-year term by popular vote , who appoints a Cabinet .
15 Under the FSM 's electoral system the 14-member Congress was composed of 10 senators , each elected for a two-year term , and four at-large senators — one each elected for a four-year term from the four states , Chuuk ( formerly known as Truk ) , Kosrae , Pohnpei and Yap .
16 The 151-member Tsogdu includes 106 directly elected representatives , each elected for a three-year term by individual constituencies at various dates depending on the expiry of their term .
17 Under a new Constitution approved by the 96-member National Constituent Assembly on Nov. 19 , 1986 , and signed into effect on Jan. 9 , 1987 [ see p. 35444 ] , legislative power is exercised by a unicameral National Assembly composed of 90 representatives ( each with an alternate representative ) directly elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation and , in addition , those unelected presidential and vice-presidential candidates ( as representatives and alternates respectively ) who receive nationally votes at least equivalent to the average of the winning percentages in each regional electoral district .
18 Executive power is vested in the President who , with the Vice-President , is elected for a six-year term by an electoral college of 600 directly-elected members .
19 Elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage ( or by a 301-member electoral college in case no candidate obtains an absolute majority ) , the President appoints a Cabinet under a Prime Minister , which must enjoy the confidence of the 200-member parliament ( Eduskunta ) , elected for a four-year term .
20 Executive power is in the hands of a President who is elected for a six-year term by the National Assembly .
21 The Federal President ( Bundespräsident , currently Kurt Waldheim ) is elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage and can not serve more than two terms of office .
22 The unicameral National Assembly , each of whose 90 directly elected members has an alternate representative , is elected for a six-year term by a system of proportional representation ; it also contains those unelected candidates who have received nationally in the presidential and vice-presidential elections votes equivalent at least to the average of the winning percentages in the National Assembly elections in each regional electoral district , currently bringing the total number of representatives to 92 .
23 Elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage ( or by a 301-member electoral college if no candidate obtains an absolute majority ) , the President appoints under a Prime Minister a Council of State whose members must enjoy the confidence of the 200-member parliament ( Eduskunta ) , elected for a four-year term .
24 Executive power is in the hands of a President who is elected for a six-year term by the National Assembly ( Kuo-Min Ta-Hui ) .
25 This was expected to provide for a President and National Assembly , to be elected for a five-year term under a multiparty system , with the President eligible for re-election once only .
26 Legislative power is vested in the unicameral 36-seat House of Representatives , most recently elected for a five-year term in March 1987 [ not May 1987 as stated on p. 37061 ] , in which Jawara 's Progressive People 's Party ( PPP ) has 31 seats and the National Convention Party ( NCP ) five [ see pp. 35109-10 ] .
27 The unicameral legislature , the National Assembly , is also elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
28 The draft proposed that the chief executive ( a position comparable with that of the current Governor ) be elected for a five-year term by an 800-member " broadly represented " election committee .
29 Executive power is vested in the President , elected for a five-year term by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of the upper and lower Houses of Parliament ( the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabha respectively ) and of the Legislative Assemblies of the States .
30 Most of the 244 members of the Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected by the state assemblies ( one-third being replaced every two years ) while all but two of the 544-members of the Lok Sabha are directly elected for a five-year term by universal adult suffrage .
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