Example sentences of "account for the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though this is good news for American and Japanese firms , who share a paltry 11% slice of the luxury market , it is disastrous for European companies which account for the remaining 89% of sales ( see chart on next page ) , but which sell nearly half of all their fancy products in America or Japan .
2 Final selection of the project , approval of the project for inclusion in the capital budget , setting of project implementation controls and post-audit review account for the remaining stages of the project cycle are covered in detail in chapter 5 .
3 The constraints imposed on the market area by travel , therefore , probably account for the limited range of goods and services being provided at many sites , while more specialized facilities and luxury items were only available in the larger population centres where demand was greater .
4 The combination of fire and family probably account for the striking personalities of Ella Burrows and her daughter .
5 ( a ) 25% to 50% of library users use the catalogue ; ( b ) students account for the greatest proportion of the user population ; ( c ) the catalogue is used predominantly for known-item searching and use increases with users ' educational level ; ( d ) public library users do more subject searching than academic library users .
6 The force of cohesion and tension in this column account for the upward rise of the water .
7 Rumours of this purpose account for the early popularity of the French ; they had come to support the ‘ Desired One ’ .
8 These changes , which were just beginning to develop at the end of Marx 's life have thrown into question much of this original Marxist theory and account for the modern debate about whether or not the capitalist state is always ( or ever ) an instrument which defends the interests of the ruling class in a repressive way .
9 For instance , personality variations account for the wide range of reactions towards a salesperson .
10 These are known as ‘ transferred cases ’ and account for the vast majority of appeals .
11 The net result is that enterprises with some form of linkage to the global market now account for the largest part of the global production structure — in raw materials , manufactures and services .
12 Key resources are technical personnel and aircraft spare parts which account for the largest share of the maintenance budget .
13 Teachers ' salaries account for the largest proportion of education spending in all types of school , though this varies from around 70% in primary and secondary schools to 59% in special schools .
14 Although some of this variation may be attributed to inherent reliability problems in the computation method or original poor data quality , other geological factors probably account for the greater part of the observed variation .
15 This appears to be because institutional shareholders who account for the great majority of shareholdings on The Stock Exchange see themselves as managing a portfolio for which they buy and sell .
16 Whereas a comprehensive secondary school might offer some 30 subjects for all its pupils , and about a dozen subjects account for the great majority of A levels , the curriculum explodes in higher education , part of a post-school explosion even greater when one takes into account the vast number of technical and vocational courses that exist in non-advanced further education .
17 But among them , they account for the great majority of all innovation opportunities .
18 The following set of figures shows new fixed-sum and other retail credit as a percentage of the total volume of spending on clothing and shoes , durables ( including electrical goods and furniture ) and cars and motorcycles , which account for the great bulk of this type of credit :
19 According to Fitzgerald and Sim ‘ there is not one crisis , rather a whole series , which taken together account for the parlous state of the prisons ’ ( 1992 : 5 ) .
20 The neglect of these important questions to which Keynes attempted to provide answers could , to some extent , account for the recent disenchantment with the Keynesian approach to macroeconomic theory and for the parallel reaction in the form of the rise of new classical macroeconomics .
21 Equally depression of prostaglandin synthesis , by diminishing pain perception , could at least in part account for the high proportion of NSAID associated ulcers that are silent .
22 One notable attempt to differentiate between political institutions within a post-colonial state , and account for the relative power of the bureaucracy by reference to the class structure of the colonial legacy , is Meillasoux 's ( 1970 ) study of Mali .
23 Until the FRC and its cohorts have made substantial progress in imposing uniformity in accounting matters , the profession will continue to be criticised because companies account for the same things in different ways .
24 ‘ Does all this account for the proposed development at the pottery ? ’
25 Owing to their deep-rooted hostility towards the very concept of involuntary unemployment and their a priori conviction that the labour market clears ‘ more or less continuously ’ , new classical macroeconomists are driven to look beyond this obvious explanation towards hypotheses which account for the acknowledged phenomenon of business cycles while at the same time preserving intact their beliefs in the robustness of all markets , including the labour market .
26 It also seems Auxetophones account for the large numbers of records made by both candidates for the American Presidential Election of 1908 , which were recorded by Victor , the Gramophone Company 's American partner .
27 Three major causes account for the ensuing periods of upheaval which culminated in the establishment of a less formal relationship between the press and the political parties in the late 20th century :
28 The southwestern and south-eastern examples were apparently staggered slightly , accounting for the odd diversion of Ermine Street on the south-east .
29 We believe that thrombosis of leg veins or pelvic veins occurred intraoperatively , accounting for the early presentation in two of the patients .
30 The adult user , although accounting for the largest proportion of public library users , is an amorphous group not clearly definable unless the adults belong to the business community or to some temporarily associative grouping like adult education classes ( where indeed there may be some potential for formal user education ) .
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