Example sentences of "warn [pers pn] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Modern science ignores this at its peril , and Xorandor may be read as a fable for scientists and would-be scientists , written in their own idiom , warning them of the consequences of cutting their project off from its conceptual genealogy , its own founding story .
2 In moral matters he confined himself solely to warning me of the dangers of masturbation .
3 Now a group of fourteen Tory MPs have written to John Major warning him of the consequences of further substantial cuts .
4 He pulled out a burnet leaf and ate it slowly , concealing his fear as best he could ; for all his instincts were warning him of the dangers in the unknown country beyond the warren .
5 To the extant that Professor Preston is warning us of the dangers of oversimplification and bad herme-neutics then we do well to listen to him .
6 The officer did not invite the defendant to express a preference for giving blood or urine but warned him of the consequences of failure to provide a specimen and gave him the opportunity to put forward any reasons why a specimen of blood could not be taken by a doctor .
7 During his tours of the Middle and Far East Duncan Sandys was made well aware by British Governors , High Commissioners and Commanders-in-Chief of the political and military risks that he was taking ; and local political leaders , like the Tunku Abdul Rahman in Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew in Singapore , warned him of the dangers of creating power vacuums that could be exploited by the Communist powers .
8 He immediately insisted that Hank should tell his parents , and warned him of the evils of leaving school without succeeding in obtaining the magical Grade 12 , without which there was no hope , he insisted , of leading a normal life .
9 And , as he warned us about the hewers of coal , we are as capable of forgetting that , as he did , " as we forget the " blood in our veins ' .
10 I had been wept on by so many boyfriends that , had Home Sister known , she would have warned me of the dangers of pneumonia every time I went out on a date .
11 Has n't anyone warned you of the dangers of over-exposure to the sun ? ’
12 During his lessons on seamanship , Nathan had warned her about the dangers of leaving cuts untreated .
13 When a placement does run into problems , Catherine Macaskill ( 1985b ) has warned us of the dangers of thinking that adoption will solve the problems :
14 So I would congratulate her on her good prospects as a statesman , or she would warn me of the dangers of dancing all night ; but if the stars looked town they would be no more likely to see her on a rostrum than me on a dance-floor .
15 She looked at her daughter 's lovely face , and tried to warn her of the dangers of love , but the girl did not listen .
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