Example sentences of "stare [adv prt] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moving back to the bridge , she halted for a moment to stare down at the sluggish water , and the wavering reflection thrown back at her made her feel like weeping forever .
2 ‘ Yes , I most certainly do ! ’ he told her before turning back to stare down at the flushed features of his wife .
3 Ellie said nothing , deciding to stare down at the polished wood floor instead .
4 Beyond the glass there was a sporadically placed ring of guards and dogs who seemed uncertain as to whether to stare back at the distorted press of faces at the glass panes , or whether to watch instead the spiral column of smoke and the flames that played at its heels .
5 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
6 They had sat opposite each other in a compartment crowded with Able Seamen , he watching the darkening fields flying outside the window and Bunny staring down at a single sheet of notepaper , pale blue in colour , which he held on his jigging knee and from whose fold poked a sprig of crab apple in bloom .
7 He sat with his arms folded , staring down at the fancy tablecloth and when he did speak again he was so quiet that they could hardly hear him , so they had to listen seriously — even Sean and Michael , who were never , or rarely serious .
8 Staring down at the dark head bent over his work , Laura had found herself swept by diametrically opposed emotions .
9 " You 're so lucky , you 're so lucky , " I murmured , staring down at the rocky Rockies or the Smokies or the Ropies through cloud-cover made of snow and contour tracing …
10 She was staring down at the undulating ground .
11 Cameron floundered , staring down at the checked tablecloth , drinking from his glass , checking hers .
12 ‘ Yes , I do realise that , ’ she muttered , staring down at the brown liquid in the cup .
13 The coroner sat with lips pursed , staring down at the empty platters and dishes as if wishing the food he had devoured would magically reappear .
14 More tequila arrived and Rodriguez sat there staring down at the yellow-green liquid in his glass .
15 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
16 He sat , slumped back , chin on chest , staring down at the intricate patterns of the carpet , in a seemingly unbreakable silence .
17 And Clara , overcome by the wonderful , felicitous acceptability of his offer , an offer so familiar to her , so marvellously manageable , trembled only most slightly as she said , staring down at the limp arrangements of her hands , " Oui , surement . "
18 Bacci and the Marshal were staring in at the uncurtained window below the steps that led to the front door .
19 Horowitz stood in the corridor , hands in his trench-coat pocket , staring up at a framed portrait of the founder , Lance Buckmaster .
20 ‘ What on earth are we doing here ? ’ she muttered , staring up at the familiar sight of an old converted warehouse overlooking the Thames .
21 Julia lay against the hard , red velvet back of the bench , staring up at the painted walls around her .
22 Sir Richard stood still , staring up at the blue sky , turning his face to feel the sun .
23 Fenella stayed where she was for a moment , still staring up at the imprisoned Nuadu .
24 He stopped , staring up at the old man , his face filled with an intent curiosity .
25 Kim stood there a moment longer , staring up at the old man .
26 He was standing at the open window in his pyjamas , the shotgun in his hand , staring out at the front field where the black splash of a jackdaw lay on the white ground beneath the ash tree .
27 Languidly she turned her head to the west-facing windows , staring out at the neighbouring mountain high above the hill upon which Saracen was built .
28 In the first car Sarah sat dry-eyed , staring out at the passing roads .
29 She had not drawn her curtains , and she turned on her side , staring out at the velvety darkness , listening to the little noises that came wafting through the open window .
30 The eagle stared back at him proudly and without fear and Mr Wolski wondered how long he would be here in captivity , staring out at the same things year after year , his great wings never feeling the power and support of the wind , his talons never arcing forward and down as they did what they had been made for and struck at prey .
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