Example sentences of "stare [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Moving back to the bridge , she halted for a moment to stare down at the sluggish water , and the wavering reflection thrown back at her made her feel like weeping forever .
2 Ellie said nothing , deciding to stare down at the polished wood floor instead .
3 Then he turned and went out , leaving Ellie to stare speechlessly at the most money she had ever seen in her life .
4 Beyond the glass there was a sporadically placed ring of guards and dogs who seemed uncertain as to whether to stare back at the distorted press of faces at the glass panes , or whether to watch instead the spiral column of smoke and the flames that played at its heels .
5 He returned the tray to the orderly and went to stare out through the transparent sheeting .
6 I had to think of her seeing the copy of my cock on Monday , I had to think of her first thinking , ‘ Golly , what a nut ’ , and then finding she had to stare uncontrollably at the specific image of my cock , boyoing , had to file that image away in a secret file folder where she filed away all my asterisk memos , and that some night working late , she 'd reach her long arms down to that drawer and bring out the asterisk file and go through the pages , asterisk after asterisk , until she found my cock .
7 His eyes were wired open so that he must stare unblinkingly at a giant Sagramoso head , and his own body had been reduced to roughly the same contours .
8 Only stare up at the gaping hole in his cage and feel the terror of the sky beyond and look at where the broken end of the great branch that had fallen spiked out into the wild sky above as if broken part lay about him , its smaller branches and torn bark fretting on the cold wind .
9 Are you just going to sit there and stare out of the bloody window ? ’
10 I buy a cup of tea so thin it could have been made by Rachel 's landlady , and I stare out through a steamed-up café window across the cold empty promenade .
11 Bush Vark 's First Day Out by Charles Fuge ( MacMillan , £6.95 ) Winner of The Mother Goose Award and the MacMillan Prize 1988 Three pairs of creaturely eyes stare out from the deep black inside covers of Bush Vark 's First Day Out , whetting young appetites for nocturnal mystery and the pleasurable horrors encountered by Charles Fuge 's cheery little vark , with his slippery passivity and plain good fortune .
12 Wick waits , remembering the herring more recently ; the lovely old buildings stare blankly over the vast harbour once a forest of masts .
13 Unexpected , it was like a surprise confrontation , and for a moment she could only stare blindly at the familiar name .
14 Like Querelle , men in tatty soiled uniforms are flexing their muscles , while others stare vacantly into the middle distance .
15 With difficulty I raised my gaze to her face , staring dazedly at the soft abundance of her mouth , the petal-perfect skin , the powerful femaleness that radiated from her eyes .
16 Isambard caught up both , and stood for a moment staring down with a formidable frown at Harry , who nursed his bruised wrists and glared back , expecting a blow and tensing every muscle to receive it without a tremor .
17 They had sat opposite each other in a compartment crowded with Able Seamen , he watching the darkening fields flying outside the window and Bunny staring down at a single sheet of notepaper , pale blue in colour , which he held on his jigging knee and from whose fold poked a sprig of crab apple in bloom .
18 He sat with his arms folded , staring down at the fancy tablecloth and when he did speak again he was so quiet that they could hardly hear him , so they had to listen seriously — even Sean and Michael , who were never , or rarely serious .
19 Staring down at the dark head bent over his work , Laura had found herself swept by diametrically opposed emotions .
20 She was staring down at the undulating ground .
21 Cameron floundered , staring down at the checked tablecloth , drinking from his glass , checking hers .
22 ‘ Yes , I do realise that , ’ she muttered , staring down at the brown liquid in the cup .
23 More tequila arrived and Rodriguez sat there staring down at the yellow-green liquid in his glass .
24 She stood staring down at the fresh earth of the new grave , at the wooden cross bearing her mother 's name and she could not believe that this nightmare was real .
25 Suddenly he was in the enemy 's trench and staring down into a young German 's eyes , a terrified boy even younger than himself .
26 For those of us staring down into the yawning chasm of the generation gap it really is n't so bad , you know .
27 Philip ap Ivor stood staring down into the blank cavity for a long moment with drawn brows and tight lips .
28 Bacci and the Marshal were staring in at the uncurtained window below the steps that led to the front door .
29 A glamorous , dressing-gowned housewife was staring in through the open side window , her face framed by my shoes .
30 Meanwhile Ali Christie was sitting in the Pavilion Gallery in Brook Street staring morosely at the gilt-framed picture of his wife on the desk .
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