Example sentences of "justice [prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Yorkist appointments included John Mowbray , Duke of Norfolk , in 1461 , and Henry Bourchier , Earl of Essex , in 1462 , successively as Justices of the Forests south of Trent , and Richard , Duke of Gloucester , the future Richard III , in 1472 as Justice of the northern forests .
2 Richard , Agnes 's younger son , was to find the Justice of the Forests south of Trent twelve ‘ free and law-worthy men ’ who would guarantee that he would well and faithfully keep the said bailiwick on Agnes 's behalf : the Forest Justice was then to admit him to the custody in Agnes 's place .
3 Robert Passelewe was a Household clerk who after 1228 had been attached to the Poitevin party , shared in their downfall in 1234 , and was restored to favour in 1236 ; his appointment in 1246 as justice of the Forests south of Trent therefore brings the administrative history of the forest into line with that of the Household and the great Departments of State .
4 In November 1259 the barons in Council raised the annual salary of the Justice of the Forests south of Trent from 100 to 200 marks a year , and his colleague for the northern forests was in August 1260 granted an annual salary of 60 marks , instead of having to pay an annual farm of the same sum as he had previously done .
5 Hugh Despenser the Elder was re-appointed Justice of the Forests south of Trent in March 1308 , and , shortly after the king went north in September 13 10 to escape the Lords Ordainers , he appointed Piers Gaveston to be Justice of the northern forests for life , with wide powers to enclose and arrent the forest wastes and audit the agisters ' accounts , and unprecedented authority to remove verderers and appoint his own men in their places .
6 In the south , Humphrey , Duke of Gloucester was Justice of the Forests south of Trent from 1416 until his death in 1447. his successors were all great barons .
7 He begged the Secretary to remind the Duke of Buckingham , who was Chief Justice of the Forests south of Trent , ‘ of his suit for a warrant to dispose of the bucks and deer in that forest to the gentlemen and inhabitants ’ .
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