Example sentences of "back [prep] the bad old [noun] " in BNC.

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1 THE fans who revelled in Darlington 's magnificent rise from near-obscurity are helping the side slip back into the bad old days .
2 BACK IN the bad old days , drivers of diesel cars were the social outcasts of the motoring world .
3 Back in the bad old days when I was infatuated with you , I rang that number twice to find out .
4 BACK IN the bad old days when home-bred Open champions were a rarity , it was said that British golfers did n't win because they regarded the event as something special , while the Americans regarded it as just another tournament on the circuit .
5 Back in the bad old days of the ‘ tripartite system ’ and the 11-plus , when it was more acceptable to know your place , and upward mobility was not such an unquestionably good idea , life was easier and less personal for teachers because to a much greater extent their values were stably enshrined in the organization and structures of the schools for which they worked .
6 Education — the election debate that never happened Labour and the Liberal Democrats would take our school system back to the bad old days , argues ANTHONY O'HEAR — so why have n't the voters been told as much ?
7 I became increasingly interested in gay men 's specific ways of seeing the world — what one might call , to use a now unfashionable phrase of Raymond Williams , male homosexual structures of feeling — but to qualify for inclusion in this framework , texts had to pass an ‘ authorship test ’ ( ‘ is/was he gay ? ’ ) that harked back to the bad old days of crudely biographical criticism .
8 The Fletchers had a flat on the first floor of one of the fine period houses dating back to the bad old days of the monarchy and the Iron Guard .
9 Back to the bad old days when employers were so busy employing people to push bits of people round and see to inspectors that they did n't have anything to do with training an produced not one single job .
10 This union along with the Labour Party should have no with the philosophy of workfare , it once and once and for all reject this philosophy and send it back to the bad old days of workhouses , parish guardians , the real Victorian values .
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