Example sentences of "those [noun pl] [prep] the present [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For those prisoners like the present appellants currently serving life sentences , I appreciate that the fact that the judicial recommendation was made in confidence presents a practical problem .
2 Applying those considerations to the present case , their Lordships are of the view that since the plaintiff was well aware that the defendants would be acting also for other vendors of comparable properties and in so doing would receive confidential information from those other vendors , the agency contract between the plaintiff and the defendants can not have included either ( a ) a term requiring the defendants to disclose such confidential information to the plaintiff or ( b ) a term precluding the defendants acting for rival vendors or ( c ) a term precluding the defendants from seeking to earn commission on the sale of the property of a rival vendor .
3 Thanks to the generosity of the Order the centre is ready to meet those needs in the present day and age .
4 And I do n't want to give those figures at the present time .
5 With the implementation of the present Call-slip analysis exercise it became possible to review the situation after an interval of almost ten years , and in the tables which follow , those findings of the present Survey which relate to foreign-language material are set alongside the broadly comparable findings of the earlier periods .
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