Example sentences of "should be returned to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Governing bodies drug testing programmes should be returned to the Council by 26 February 1988 .
2 The Change Control Form should be returned to the Change Coordinator .
3 The completed Record Sheet should be returned to the Education Service office at the end of the session .
4 Pupils do need encouragement and help in making the best of them , and these expensive items should be returned to the clinic if they are not being used .
5 However , in December the government achieved a breakthrough in its protracted campaign to trace and retrieve the huge sums believed to have been looted from the country by the Marcos family , when the Swiss Supreme Court ruled that funds held by the family in Swiss bank accounts should be returned to the government of the Philippines , but stipulated that this could be done only after a Philippines ' court had ruled against Marcos [ see p. 37961 ] .
6 if money for investment is made payable to the firm , it should be returned to the client to be made payable to the correct third party or , if this is not possible due to extreme circumstances , the cheque should be endorsed and forwarded immediately to the third party
7 She then dismissed an originating summons under the Child Abduction and Custody Act 1985 , Schedule 1 ( the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction ) , declining to order that two children , who had been wrongfully removed from Australia to this country by their mother , should be returned to the jurisdiction of the State of Victoria , Australia .
8 The question for the court in any case where the discretion falls to be exercised , one or other of the gateways provided by article 13 having been opened , is whether or not the child or children should be returned to the jurisdiction from which they have been wrongfully removed .
9 What sent me into a fear-filled frenzy was the news — hidden somewhere between a report on the seasonal suicide rate and an article on bogus Santas — that I had bought a ride-on fire engine for my baby son that had a dangerous fault and should be returned to the manufacturers immediately .
10 7 Once opened by those at 6 they should be returned to the person/area that prepared hte list .
11 Application forms ( forms FLR1 or FLR2 ) with fees should be returned to the Finance Section at and will be forwarded on to Ipsley Court once your fee has been processed .
12 Application forms may be obtained from Solicitors Records , and should be returned to the Finance Department .
13 Tests which reach you after the deadline date for submission should be returned to the office unmarked .
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