Example sentences of "may be [verb] [prep] the basis " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , arguments concerning lack of evidence that investors are overly concerned about insider dealing may be challenged on the basis that there is no way of telling what impact insider dealing has on the markets .
2 * Consumption Rate — consumers may be segmented on the basis of the volume and frequency of purchase .
3 Estimates of the total market value of each segment may be compiled on the basis of those determining variables used to define and quantify the segment .
4 The depreciation allocation to each year may be made on the basis of time or service using one of a variety of methods ( for example , straight line , units of production , sum of the years ' digits , reducing balance ) which are described in most standard accounting texts .
5 The relevant population may be categorised on the basis of distinct patterns of work , leisure , or attitude to consumption of particular goods or services .
6 Such an approach may be justified on the basis of risk allocation since the business supplier is in a good position to bear the risk .
7 Revaluation of properties Under Irish GAAP , property values may be restated on the basis of appraised values in financial statements prepared in all other respects in accordance with the historical cost convention .
8 Cooker and cook may be distinguished on the basis of sex ( male , female ) , or location ( home , restaurant ) , and so on .
9 These targets may be analysed on the basis of buying process roles , as follows .
10 In Catholic and High Anglican circles it may be done on the basis of weekly attendance at Mass .
11 Any one , or a combination of these , may be chosen as the basis for choosing the work-places from which a sample can be selected .
12 It will also be available for incorporation into any HNC or HND programme , particularly in Business Administration , or may be used as the basis for short course provision .
13 Samples may be specified on the basis of postcode sectors , census enumeration districts or electoral wards and constituencies .
14 Although individuals may be grouped on the basis of various variable scores , this is almost always without regard for their position within the social structure .
15 Criteria for criterion-referenced assessment may be derived on the basis of an analysis of the subject matter in terms of the skills , concepts and strategies required to meet a criterion .
16 Significant age norms may be identified on the basis of the age at which most children first demonstrate a particular linguistic skill .
17 Morphemes may be identified on the basis of the following rules .
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