Example sentences of "may [be] [verb] [prep] a major " in BNC.

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1 Even though odour emission may be regarded as a major consideration , as shown above , only rarely is planning permission refused on that ground alone , generally permission is granted but the development modified in some way to minimise any potential odour nuisance .
2 Geography in Humanities Combined may be taken as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or , as a major subject only , with German .
3 Asian Studies may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : English , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies , or as a major subject only with German .
4 English may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
5 European Studies may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , French , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
6 French may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
7 History may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , Geography , Irish , Media Studies , Philosophy , or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
8 Irish may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Media Studies , Philosophy or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
9 Media Studies may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Irish , Philosophy or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
10 Philosophy may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies or Theatre Studies ; or as a major subject only with German .
11 Theatre Studies may be combined as a major , joint or minor subject with : Asian Studies , English , European Studies , French , Geography , History , Irish , Media Studies or Philosophy , or as a major subject only with German .
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