Example sentences of "only a single [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the interior contained only a single row of nave arcade columns ( Plate 21 ) and the comparative narrowness of the plan meant that there was space for only a range of shallow ancillary rooms — stores , bathrooms and laundry ( Fig 44 ) — on the north side of the ground-floor flats access corridor once dwellings of suitable size , restricted to the spans of the nave arcade bays , had been accommodated .
2 Critics claim that a cholesterol test is only a single snapshot of lifestyle and can be misleading .
3 ( a ) Only a single parameter of record type need be passed in most sub- programs , and rarely more than four .
4 In other words , while there may be in some sense ( possibly a historical one ) a relatively simple form of language in which clauses contain only a single occurrence of assignment , there is also a more elaborate form in which complexes containing assignment can themselves be used as elements in the construction of other clauses ; acceptance of this conclusion is not particularly demanding , given the observable facts of language use .
5 The Committee on Safety of Medicines ( personal communication ) has received only a single report of visual disorder associated with chlorambucil — namely , corneal opacity — and the manufacturers ( Wellcome ) have only a single report of optic neuritis , occurring on day 1 of chlorambucil treatment and not resolving on withdrawal .
6 Nor does the grain mediate a ‘ pure genetic transmission ’ of culture , in which ( like the song of the white-crowned sparrow ) only a single form of behaviour can be taught and learned .
7 Only a single round of selection was done .
8 Roger Short , of the Medical Research Council 's Reproduction Research Unit in Edinburgh , had predicted that in species where females mate with more than one male during a reproductive cycle , the males would have larger testes for their body size than in species whose females had only a single mate per cycle .
9 Some , like the Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , of which only a single item of evidence remains , appears to have had friendly relations with the National Sailors and Firemen .
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