Example sentences of "come round [prep] the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 SOCIAL ‘ Sociologists apparently have come round to the belief that 50 per cent of middle-class parents who send their children to private schools would be happy to put them in the state system if dinner money was renamed lunch money . ’
2 Although primarily Unix focused , Unify has now come round to the view that the success of Windows and probable success of NT can not be ignored .
3 However , not merely was there a conflict of medical evidence , but even Dr. D. , upon whose opinion Thorpe J. eventually based his decision , described W. as having ‘ a mild case of anorexia nervosa ’ and that although he ( Dr. D. ) had eventually come round to the view that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit , the decision was quite finely balanced .
4 Having read some of the recent articles on the Batty move in parallel with ‘ What happened to ex-players , I have come round to the view that Batty was probably right to move .
5 and so he came round with the bread and he said I 'll let you have the recipe and I thought , so I am now
6 You were let out four times a day for slop-out , when they came round with the trolley and collected the plates .
7 Usually the horseman on the farm — the head horseman — came round after the harvest and made a collection from the various tradesmen who 'd had business with the farm — saddler , farrier , wheelwright and so on .
8 The CAT scan apparently showed no damage to the brain , so it was something of a shock to the doctors as well as to Dawn 's parents when she finally came round from the coma after about a week with a left hemiplegia .
9 It , just before we set off they came round in the car and they had a loaf for me .
10 Users are finally coming round to the idea that applications are more important than the platform , he says , citing the UK supermarket chain , Sainsbury 's , which took ten months to decide that it would move to Unix , choosing its software before inviting companies to bid for the hardware contract .
11 And I can honestly say , along with most people I 'm reluctantly coming round to the concept that the probability is that the county will cease to exist shortly , and there 'll be hopefully not more than two other authorities doing the job we 're currently doing .
12 ‘ Secondly , a number of acoustic players are coming round to the belief that the 12-fret configuration is the best for tone , which it is .
13 Fearful anticipation had proved somewhat worse than the event , and most Viennese were coming round to the opinion that , whatever the failings of Napoleon 's men , they were at least an improvement upon the Hapsburgs ' Russian allies , whom everyone loathed .
14 Indeed I am rather coming round to the view that the trouble last year was not that we failed to produce as good policies as our opponents but that we failed to produce policies for the issues the electorate was most interested in .
15 well if they ring up tomorrow , erm one bloke says he might ring up tomorrow , one said she 'll , she 'll come round at the weekend and another bloke said
16 I 'll come round with the skin and some shots protein and Zip should do it . ’
17 Twice he 'd driven over to see his mother and come back optimistic that she 'd come round to the marriage and visit them one day soon .
18 The Americans may come round to the idea that the termination of the war must be mediated through the UN ; they may even reluctantly come round to the idea that Israel must make a contribution to the peace .
19 The Americans may come round to the idea that the termination of the war must be mediated through the UN ; they may even reluctantly come round to the idea that Israel must make a contribution to the peace .
20 So you tend to gradually come round to the view that unless it 's causing very bad visual pollution , or you 've had a run of complaints about it , then you tend not to take a stat . ’
21 They come round at the interval and say , ‘ Was Ruby on for the first half ? ’ and I say , ‘ Yes . ’
22 ‘ The sun comes round in the afternoon and Gifford used to spend a lot of time here after his stroke .
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