Example sentences of "come about [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And a similar state of affairs had meanwhile come about on the other side of the lines .
2 So a big change in the way that we are arranged has actually come about through the general management structure , and we 're hoping that this will give us more room , if you like to start looking at priorities , and to move the budget around in accordance with our feelings about those priorities .
3 It went on to note that many of the most effective schemes had come about through the voluntary sector as a result of individual enterprise or a one person crusade — not as a logical outcome of a strategic planning process .
4 Much of this had come about as a direct result of the introduction of the GCSE , as these comments from the Head of Art at ‘ Pope John Paul ’ reveal :
5 However , a greater proportion of secondary school teachers than either of the other two phases tend to be unsure about whether any of these changes have come about as a direct result of the review and report .
6 It speculated that some 20,000 deaths might have come about during the forced evacuations from Moslem villages , and estimated that the Bosnian Serbs had already largely completed their plans for the creation of homogenous Serb-populated areas .
7 The change in rebates would not have come about without the Conservative Government .
8 The Fontainebleau abatement would not have come about without the Conservative Government .
9 I strongly predict that the changes that have come about in the Soviet Union are likely to come to China in a different form but to the same degree in the years that lie ahead .
10 Kelman 's work forms part of a flowering of talent which has come about in the urban Scotland of the last few years .
11 The fact that the burns had come about in an unforeseeable way did not render the damage too remote .
12 The tall , straight young back that sauntered away down-river , to come about in a wide circuit via the fence of the curator 's garden , and the box hedge that continued its line , maintained too secure an assurance , and too secret a satisfaction of its own , in spite of the dexterity with which it had removed itself from censure .
13 Washington , he said , stood by its commitment to overcome the division of Europe , Germany and Berlin , but this had to come about in a gradual process which satisfied German aspirations and met the ‘ legitimate interests ’ of all concerned .
14 It came about through a negative way more extreme than has yet been suggested .
15 The agreement came about through a delicate set of potentially dangerous encounters between the Irish party and the Roman catholic bishops during the first two decades of the present century .
16 This duly came about with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ( EPA ) .
17 The NSA came about as a direct result of the Allied wartime successes in breaking the coded messages of both the Germans and the Japanese .
18 Within seconds he had been substituted and within minutes a goal almost came about at the other end .
19 THE film came about after a 14-year gap simply because Peter and Gerald were asked — by former Monty Python producer John Goldstone .
20 It was unfair to the defendant and came about by the calculated action of the police to lull Newall into a false sense of security , he added .
21 The abolition of capital punishment and reform of the law on homosexuality came about in a similar way .
22 ( a ) If the kind of damage suffered is reasonably foreseeable , it does not matter that the damage came about in an unforeseeable way .
23 All of this is coming about as a direct result of the original plan for the Local Management of Schools and it 's continuing success , in spite of the Labour Group and not because of it , and so I move the amendment my Lord Mayor .
24 So it is that when Mr Major explains that he has , by devaluing the pound , given British industry an exceptional chance to improve its exports , he insists that ‘ this did not come about as a deliberate act of policy ’ .
25 He believed that socialism would not come about as the inevitable result of impersonal laws of economic development but would have to be built by active human beings working purposively and creatively .
26 ‘ I am not sure that people realise the extent of the scale of increase in cost that will come about under the new system . ’
27 I hope that it will come about under the Portuguese presidency , and I am working towards that end ; but it must be an end that does not discriminate against Scottish farmers or British farmers generally .
28 The plant — hospitals , equipment , surgeries — being state-owned and state-administered , those changes do not come about by a gradual process made up of an infinite number of individual decisions : they happen in lurches , of which the most visible form is not the provision of new plant but the discontinuance of old plant .
29 Many of the deeply painful and depersonalizing situations in our society come about as the direct result of a broader but lower valuation of sex and sexual relationships .
30 The differences in contents in different individuals come about in the following manner , and here I must stress that I am talking about sexually reproducing species such as our own .
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