Example sentences of "come about [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
2 In reality , these developments came about largely through the influence of Charles 's Catholic wife , Henrietta Maria .
3 This came about partly from the cessation of publication of 6-inch maps in 1881 as all of the staff effort had been concentrated on trying to complete the Survey of the country and partly because the number of staff had been decreasing .
4 Adjustment can now come about automatically via the exchange rate , although the success of this mechanism depends upon the elasticity of demand for imports and exports as far as the current account is concerned , and on the stability of capital flows for an overall balance of payments .
5 However , the outcome of the talks will depend on securing agreement , and all concerned accept the principle that any change to Northern Ireland 's status as part of the United Kingdom would come about only with the consent of a majority of the people who live there .
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