Example sentences of "come [adv prt] [prep] the open [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Stressing that members " who have come out in the open face a serious risk of arrest and detention " , Aford urged the international community " to sustain diplomatic and moral pressure on the Malawian government to respect human rights " .
2 The tiny river sounds came in through the open hatches .
3 The smell of the flowers came in through the open windows of the bus .
4 The hours passed , daylight faded , and the sounds of a warm September evening came in through the open window .
5 A little breeze came in through the open window and set the hanging light swinging , so that her face was now shadowed , now glistening pale in the electric glare .
6 It jolted up the lane , slowed down as it came out into the open area in front of the quarry gates , and stopped .
7 These are believed to result , at least in part , from sewage pollution , although there is some evidence that nutrients are also coming in from the open sea .
8 ‘ Make foreign things work for China ’ , ran one slogan but it recognised that ‘ flies and pests ’ would come in through the open door as well as fresh air to revitalise the stuffy atmosphere in China .
9 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
10 come in through the open window , rape her ,
11 It sometimes comes on in the open air .
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