Example sentences of "when [pron] heard a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was confirmed when I heard a Syrian soldier talking at a roadblock we encountered .
2 I was telling myself that it would soon be over when I heard a sharp crack .
3 I began to worry many years ago when I heard a young artist say at a Whitechapel Art Gallery discussion , ‘ I 'm in the painting business , not the explanation business ’ .
4 One event which has lived in my memory , and which I would not have liked to repeat , was of cycling home one evening ( I lived near Altrincham ) — and I was in the middle of Barton Bridge when I heard a German bomber overhead — I have never pedalled so quickly since , realising that I was in the middle of a prime target .
5 I was sitting in the sitting-room about to make a cup of coffee when I heard a huge bang and I thought the whole house was going to cave in .
6 I was still arguing childishly against myself when I heard a little noise at the door .
7 At first I could n't see them , but when I heard a little quack I had a close look and saw them all there huddled together and trying to keep warm .
8 She was about to close her eyes again when she heard a far-off roaring .
9 She was nodding politely on the fringes of a group listening to their host talking about himself when she heard a familiar voice behind her .
10 She was about to turn around , when she heard a low moan .
11 She withdrew-to the secretary 's room and was about to close MacQuillan 's door when she heard a scraping sound from the adjoining typists ' room .
12 I 'd sent Mum to the acupuncturist to try and give her some energy , and Jack and I were in the house when we heard a terrible thud .
13 I remember on one such occasion in early 1920 , my sister Gladys and I were upstairs in the top back room , looking out of the window , when we heard a terrifying scream .
14 We were about to leave for our unknown destination when we heard a well-known voice shouting ‘ Wait ! ’ in German .
15 The beast was still thinking this when he heard a loud whistle from the tree branch above him .
16 Peter Young , a night telephonist with North of England Newspapers , grew suspicious when he heard a loud bang in the town centre at about 5.20am .
17 On a date which he could not subsequently remember but which was before 3 October 1939 , he was tuning in his radio , when he heard a familiar voice .
18 He was driving away from me grounds of Hauser 's estate when he heard a different engine sound .
19 David Scanlon , 19 , dashed from his house when he heard a huge bang and found Tristran Harris , 18 , at the foot of the pylon .
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