Example sentences of "who [verb] live [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His Formentera representative is Gina Wenham who has lived on the island for 20 years .
2 General manager Nick Burrows said : ‘ We want people to write a snoring CV supported by evidence from a partner who has lived with the noise .
3 Mr Calvert , 63 , who has lived in the village for ten years , claimed when the row first surfaced two years ago the vicar was ‘ disturbing God 's peace ’ , and affecting his sleep .
4 Pensioner Sarah McKeown , who has lived in the area all her life , is settled into a new three-bedroomed house .
5 The story recalled in Chapter 2 of a stranger named Chipimbi who came to live amongst the Lamba of Zambia , and brought them seeds of maize , sorghum and groundnuts , was one such hero .
6 The researcher goes out looking for respondents who conform to the quota requirements , either by knocking on doors or by asking people in the street to participate : it must be stressed that the point is not to interview everyone who happens to live on the street or who happens to pass by , but only those who conform to the quota controls and in the proportions specified .
7 Jim , a lorry driver who 'd lived in the area for forty years , had spent Christmas with friends , but disappeared from view until his body was found in his house .
8 For adaptations to a property to enable an elderly person over 60 ) who is not the owner or tenant , but who intends to live in the property to be cared for by a friend or relative .
9 Many of the relatives and friends who rated the homes as an excellent place for the person who died to live towards the end of his or her life made rather perfunctory comments : ‘ I ca n't fault the home ’ ; ‘ It was very nice , no qualms about it . ’
10 I 've always been fascinated by bag ladies who choose to live on the street- I 've come to the point in my life where I can understand what makes them drop out .
11 By the eighteenth century Pocklington society included a number of gentlemen , attorneys , apothecaries , merchants and those rural clergy who preferred to live in the town rather than in the cultural isolation of their rural parsonages .
12 Perhaps for many people who come to live in the town that is part of its attraction .
13 And if I could enjoy the dream , how much easier for those who were born in Israel or Lebanon or Palestine — or for those who wished to live in the land that was Palestine — to believe in it .
14 All who had gone to help the stricken townsfolk mixed with those who had lived through the disaster , and were present to mourn and pay a last tribute to their relatives , friends and neighbours , whose coffins , borne by men of the Fire Service , they now followed .
15 The project was built around interviews , conducted and recorded by the pupils , with a number of people who had lived through the war in Dudley .
16 The ordinary , honest , good-humoured people who had lived under the protection of the Wolfkings and rendered them allegiance .
17 The amendments ( which were later rescinded ) restricted the right to vote to those who had lived in the constituency for at least two years , or elsewhere in Estonia for five years or more ; deputies themselves had to have lived in Estonia for at least ten years .
18 Those who had to live with the legacy of Cold War did not necessarily have a future that was any clearer or simpler than those who inherited the remains of Hitler 's Europe four and a half decades earlier .
19 You can play it by the odds , by intuition , or by what you feel is morally right , but you and Bill are the ones who have to live with the result .
20 Do those of his constituents who have to live on the margin , as many of mine do , consider the subject to be a matter of amusement ?
21 It is disgraceful to our Public Works Department , most unhealthy to the wretched people , European and native , who have to live in the neighbourhood , and most offensive to all railway passengers .
22 With older people , who have lived through the period when new ‘ miracle ’ allopathic drugs have appeared to offer a solution to all pain and ill-health , it is these prescribed rather than proscribed drugs that will be the main problem .
23 The nature of that existence has been partly influenced by the actions of those millions of people who have lived during the period which began with the dawn of civilisation , and extends into modern times .
24 In passages referring to the history of the dispute , Shamir noted : " We are the only people who have lived in the land of Israel without interruption for nearly 4,000 years …
25 For we are not here , in speaking Christologically , conceiving of Jesus as simply one human being among others who have lived in the past .
26 Anyway , so erm he said , but you know he was saying to them that er , it 's not just at the bottom end , he said , in our village in Wales we 've got the Sun have now positioned two reporters who have lived in the village the these the they sit in a car outside his house day and night
27 The Blancs , who have lived in the cottage seven years , spent a long time looking at many ranges before deciding on the white Miele kitchen with its terracotta trim .
28 The Reiksland shelters a large community of Dwarfs who have lived in the Empire for many generations .
29 Please find enclosed letters from two members of the Parish Council who have lived in the area for many years and who have personal knowledge of the situation with regard to this route .
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