Example sentences of "so far as [pers pn] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as we have evidence about regional comparisons , it points to continuities rather than differences .
2 In so far as we consider Bukharin 's theory of equilibrium in relation to his ideas on the theory of capitalist economic crisis we can see that contradiction is a key element in explaining it .
3 Nevertheless , since evolution is a conservative process our brains are likely to contain some components in common with other mammals in so far as they contain features that were characteristic of the common ancestor .
4 In so far as they purchased stocks for their clients , that was , if an important redirection of resources , hardly an immediate switch between sectors .
5 Specifically , the history of English since about 1550 is often presented as what Lass ( 1976 : xi ) has called a ‘ single-minded march ’ towards RP and modern standard English , with divergent developments either excluded or admitted only in so far as they throw light on ‘ standard ’ English .
6 Men enjoy the blessings of the covenant in so far as they obey God 's commands .
7 Sufferers get better in the Fellowships ; treatment centres and counsellors are of value only in so far as they help sufferers towards an understanding of the principles and processes of the Fellowships .
8 Weiss believes friendships to be important in so far as they reflect attitudes and behaviour that are supportive of the individual 's own beliefs , and they provide a reassurance of self-worth by virtue of their acceptance .
9 Except in so far as they publicized opinion poll findings , television projections of party credibility did not dictate public perceptions .
10 Once the payroll has been run the temporary data become " permanent " in so far as they become part of the employee 's history information and , accordingly , the employee 's record is updated .
11 The republicanism of Irish socialist nationalists was of course logical in so far as they interpreted imperialism as an enemy of the indigenous population and as an expropriator of the people .
12 This means that the activities of material science ( conductivity physics or dialectical materialism ) are social actions and are manifested by social relations in so far as they produce knowledge .
13 Corporatism tends to " fit " the facts best with respect to the major functional economic groupings of capital and labour ; with respect to issues of economic policy ( especially in so far as they concern incomes ) in periods of boom when labour can not be easily disciplined by market forces ; and at the level of the central state .
14 Well , in so far as they have planning permission or allocated local plans .
15 No doubt the material culture of the Russians was more highly developed than that of most Siberian peoples , in so far as they built log houses with wooden floors , windows and stoves ; wore clothing made of textiles woven from linen , hemp or wool ; used steam-baths ; were able to shoot game ( and people ) more efficiently with bullets than with arrows ; used vessels made of ceramics or metal ; provided themselves with grain and vegetables where natural conditions permitted , and so on .
16 In fact it is now widely recognized that some consumption expenditure of this type , in so far as it combats malnutrition , should be considered as equivalent to investment .
17 For this reason EC Directives in the 1960s provided for the repeal of such legislation ( in so far as it affected nationals of member states ) as the requirement of West German law that foreign companies wishing to pursue business activities in West Germany must obtain special authorisation from the West German authorities .
18 Product market signals can , however , be amplified by linking management remuneration to company performance , and thus while the market may be largely ineffective in so far as it offers threats , it can be made to function better by providing incentives .
19 On the other hand , the very pursuit of ‘ respectability ’ , especially in so far as it involved claims to status recognition and participation in local institutions , was a source of social tension , a focal point in the growth of class identity .
20 The committee has asked from time to time , that I keep it updated with er European legislation , in so far as it affects employments matters , and this I 've intended to do in Paper K. There are two Appendix .
21 Thus Article 92(1) states that , " any aid granted by a Member State or through State resources in any form whatsoever which distorts or threatens to distort competition by favouring certain undertakings or the production of certain goods shall , in so far as it affects trade between Member States , be incompatible with the common market " .
22 On a more general level it is possible to say that since painting is in any case an art of illusion , in so far as it conveys sensations of volume and depth on a two-dimensional surface , it was easier for the Cubists to break with traditional conventions , to push the ‘ illusion ’ one step further , and to invent a new pictorial language , than it was to find a new way of dealing with the solid , tangible forms themselves .
23 Such an interpretation now appears at best inadequate , not only because monopoly capitalism ( that is , capitalism in which large corporations dominate the economy ) , so far as it escapes regulation by the interventionist state , seems quite compatible with a liberal democratic regime ; but also because the rise of fascism depended upon a number of other factors .
24 The market for control may be seen from this perspective , therefore , as having a negative side-effect in so far as it gives shareholders an opportunity to make unfair gains at the employees ' expense .
25 In fact the terms ‘ form ’ and ‘ content ’ ceased to be operative and were replaced ( in so far as it makes sense to speak of replacement ) by the distinction between ‘ material ’ and ‘ device ’ .
26 This , so far as it concerns Leonard , simply goes too far .
27 I have my eye on the subject ; the hon. Lady 's point is well taken and , in so far as I have control over these matters , I shall make certain that local authorities concentrate as much of their resources on local sport and recreation provision as they should .
28 But in so far as I achieve awareness from your viewpoint I feel the pull towards your goals , and even when I resist , I do so very much as I push away inclinations of my own which are dangerous to my long-term ambitions ; a choice between your goals and mine belongs among my choices of ends .
29 The former , in so far as he considers explanations at all , inclines to those that stress the purely mechanical relations between events .
30 But I think he has told us truly , so far as he knows truth .
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