Example sentences of "so far as [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such women may have been rather running businesses than producing goods in so far as they relied on journeymen .
2 To them enlightened rule , in so far as they thought in terms of it at all , meant simply effective solutions to immediate problems .
3 Treaty in so far as they applied to all owners , charterers , managers and operators of British fishing vessels and to 75 per cent .
4 Statutory advisers from the conservation bodies all gave us a list of the areas that they wanted included and , for the most part , we followed those lists in so far as they agreed with one another .
5 The aims of these two movements , in so far as they touched on the rites of death , were sharply dissimilar : the Evangelicals aimed further to sanctify death as the gateway to immortality ; the Benthamites wished to demystify death in order to concentrate on the material means of increasing human happiness on earth .
6 The debate over the respective roles of nuclear and conventional arms was inevitably bound up with questions of authority and influence within Nato , especially in so far as they related to the possible use of nuclear weapons , and to their proliferation within the alliance .
7 For example , in 1967 the Monopolies Commission investigated the general effect on the public interest of certain restrictive practices so far as they prevailed in relation to the supply of professional services .
8 Their outsides remained functional ; it was only their insides , in so far as they belonged to the bourgeois world like the newly devised Pullman sleeping-cars ( 1865 ) and the first-class steamer saloons and state-rooms , which had décor .
9 It was difficult for them to appreciate that [ h ] -loss could ever have been anything else but a stigmatized form : in so far as they knew of evidence for it in earlier centuries , they tended to dismiss it , seemingly in the belief that ‘ vulgar ’ and ‘ careless ’ usage is not implicated in linguistic change .
10 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
11 She found Clelia 's company extraordinarily entertaining , and bracing only in so far as she liked to be braced : she could hardly follow a word , for instance , of the art references in her conversation , but Clelia managed somehow to combine a great air of erudition and abstruseness with a marked facility for making explanations , so that ignorance was no bar to amusement .
12 In so far as it distinguished between night and day , it was active at night .
13 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
14 Simon Brown J. cited no authority for this dictum , so far as it related to the possibility of supervisory jurisdiction of the High Court over the visitors to the Inns of Court , but it was cited to us as an example of a suggested parallel with the supervisory jurisdiction which the High Court undoubtedly exercises in other contexts which in some respects may be thought to be comparable .
15 However , when one comes to the duty to provide and ordain suitable trained attorneys and lawyers to equip the courts , the judges ' performance of that duty , in so far as it related to the provision of trained advocates , was executed through the relationship they developed with the Inns of Court .
16 Such an interpretation is not inconsistent with Katib Celebi 's brief account , particularly if it is remembered that by his time the Seyhulislam had long since been the Mufti of Istanbul and that he may therefore have concerned himself with trying to sketch the history of the office only in so far as it related to that city .
17 First , it provided a most favourable environment for the development of capitalism — a stable , well-organized political system , with a rational and effectively administered body of law , especially in so far as it related to property and contracts .
18 Genuine republican feeling , in so far as it existed at all in the major States , was a nostalgia or very occasionally an aspiration , never a programme .
19 Of all the uniformed organizations , the Boys ' Life Brigade founded in Nottingham by the Revd John Brown Paton , was the most distinctive in so far as it appeared to be non-military , committed as it was to the principles of life-saving , even though it had a BB-style uniform and a military command structure .
20 Secondly , in so far as it spoke to a general enlargement of the mind , the student experience was not confined to the acquisition of mere technique .
21 In so far as he argued for the separation of economics from politics for the purpose of analysis , in a theoretical examination of the Soviet economy he seemed to be following in the footsteps of Marx .
22 Not , she told herself , that she was at all interested in Benedict Beckenham , except in so far as he fitted into this household .
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