Example sentences of "which plays a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most have their own band which plays a wide selection of music for dancing .
2 Code-named Ro31–8959 , it targets an enzyme in the Aids virus called proteinase , which plays a crucial role in the construction of the Aids virus in an infected cell by cutting up proteins into viral components .
3 If higher education is not an end , not an output , it may be worth looking at it as a process : a process which plays a crucial role in the creation and reproduction of gender difference .
4 Of particular concern to most of the members of the FFA was the effect of the drift-netters on the albacore tuna resource , which plays a major role in many Pacific economies .
5 Given our expertise in body language , which plays a large part in such intuitive forebodings , we ignore these warnings at our peril .
6 It is this style of thinking which plays a large part in producing symptoms of stress .
7 But the community did have a couple of heroes in the military sense when the Second World War came , both members of a family which plays a leading role in the modern legends of Baldersdale — the Fawcetts of West Birk Hatt
8 Nevertheless , these associations are articulated into a new pattern , and it is the vocal which plays an essential part in that process , in making the song a rock song .
9 Previously when bottlenecks arose in the benefit delivery system regional or local decisions had to be made that might affect implementation , now there is a central ‘ directorate ’ which is likely to be involved in the examination of policy feasibility and which plays an important part in determining how policy is implemented .
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