Example sentences of "which will be [verb] [prep] chapter " in BNC.

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1 There are implications from this analysis for the application of information technology within organisations which will be explored in Chapter 6 .
2 It is surely a simplification to see the latter simply as ‘ applied ’ sciences ; they embody a different stance and intention , which may in turn generate its own ‘ theories of action ’ , which will be explored in Chapter 3 .
3 In the light of this general conclusion which will be substantiated from Chapter 7 onwards , it becomes clear that sharpening the tools of policy-making and increasing the ‘ expertness ’ of government personnel should no longer be the central concern .
4 These complications are illustrated in Figure 5.1 and an example of variance spectra also conjectured by Church ( 1980 ) is also illustrated in Figure 5.1 and introduces a theme which will be resumed in chapter 8 ( p.161 ) .
5 Without him , Arthur Porritt later recalled , ‘ the momentum of the movement swiftly spent itself ’ and although many had criticized him greatly for his involvement in Liberal party manoeuvrings ( which will be discussed in Chapter 9 ) , all recognized his gift of organization , something which ‘ amounted to genius ’ .
6 In brief , the first covers equal opportunities in matters of recruitment to CAB staff which has been discussed in Chapter 2 ; the second covers racism awareness training , which will be discussed in Chapter 6 ; and the third is a call to bureaux to reflect ethnic minority community needs .
7 Certainly , in at least one of the case study districts , Islington , which will be discussed in Chapter 5 , decentralization of local authority services under a socialist regime made for some civic similarity with the regions of Italy which received mental health reform most warmly .
8 This was not the response of the majority , however , and the willingness of users to inject dirty drugs and reuse and share equipment represents a major health hazard , which will be discussed in Chapter 9 .
9 This is a rather strict version of the managerial labour market theory ( Fama , 1980 ) which will be discussed in chapter 3 .
10 One area which seems to demand a realist approach is that of other minds , which will be discussed in chapter 5 .
11 This was a reference to the principle of reciprocity embodied in the Yalta Repatriation agreements which will be discussed in Chapter Five .
12 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
13 At some stage a funding body has assessed the potential worth of a project , and research grants have been made available for it , but the lack of incentive to publish , or the difficulties encountered in preparing work for publication , have resulted in the fact that two-fifths of the work has not been made use of by the scientific community , except possibly through consultations of the original theses , ( which will be discussed in Chapter 4 ) .
14 The count procedure gives rise to a different focus by the press , which will be considered in Chapter 4 .
15 This judicial restraint is partly a function of the doctrine of separation of powers which will be considered in Chapter 20 .
16 It is these syntactic relationships and the ways in which they can be handled which are primarily responsible for the distinction between pre-coordinate and post coordinate indexing systems — approaches which will be considered in Chapter 17 .
17 Certain types of taxation also continued : the seventh century boasts plenty of evidence for tolls of various kinds , which will be considered in chapter 12 .
18 The question of whether the state merely supported pre-existing market trends or has positively guided the market towards this end is a contentious one which will be addressed in Chapter 4 .
19 My attitude to another body of reference which will be addressed in Chapter 2 is different .
20 It is overlain with a more detailed pattern reflecting the location of over spill estates , which will be described in Chapter 6 .
21 Weights also occur in many neural nets , which will be described in Chapter 4 .
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