Example sentences of "can be brought into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bin is completely portable , so it can be brought into the warmth in winter so that the worms will continue to work .
2 There being no obvious and convincing way in which the latter can be brought into the reckoning , the practice adopted by disinterested psephologists and proponents of the STV alike is to count first-preference votes only .
3 That is when all limits are lifted from the amount of alcohol and tobacco that can be brought into the country from Europe for personal use .
4 Potted primulas and other plants that have been standing in frames can be brought into the greenhouse now .
5 Leave these in a sheltered place outdoors until mid-January , when they can be brought into the greenhouse for early , hand-pollinated flowers .
6 If the answer to the pursuer 's case is that the fault for the accident rests wholly or partly with someone else , consideration should be given now to service of a Third Party Notice by which that other party blamed can be brought into the action .
7 Patients and relatives can be brought into the classroom either in person , or in the form of a taped interview or talk .
8 By applying judgements to the curriculum itself , evaluation by the users of that curriculum can be brought into the classroom , evaluation can be made to serve as a basis for new directions in the process of teaching and learning … it can shape and guide learning and guide decisions within the curriculum process .
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