Example sentences of "can be attribute to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This criticism is based ( a ) on comparisons with other countries such as West Germany and Japan ( Vittas 1986 ) , where banks play a much larger role in industrial financing ; ( b ) on an assumption that bad industrial performance can be attributed to a lack of finance ; and ( c ) on a certain dissatisfaction with consistently high levels of bank profitability .
2 Who knows how many quarrels , false accusations , unnecessary dismissals , how many promising careers cut short can be attributed to a butler 's slovenliness at the stage of drawing up the staff plan ?
3 A continual drop in the pond level despite the weather conditions , can be attributed to a leak , which will need finding and sealing .
4 The law has some part to play in stimulating directors to take appropriate action in these areas by imposing liability where loss can be attributed to a failure on the part of the board to ensure that the company is equipped with an adequate organisational structure .
5 Once again , however , Communist inability to consolidate this position can be attributed to a combination of swift and effective repression of Communism in Latin America ( partly a response to their increased support , partly due to the onset of the Cold War and the pro-US orientation of most Latin American regimes in the late 1940s and 1950s ) and failures in tactics by the parties .
6 This can be attributed to a number of factors : the increased availability of street heroin in Wirral during the early 1980s ; the periodic droughts of pot and speed at around about the same time ( some of the users suggested a direct relation between these phenomena ) ; the existence of large numbers of users initiated in the 1978–81 period who acted both as models to emulate and who were also probably the first dealers the new initiates came into contact with .
7 ‘ There is now not the slightest doubt that a part of the increased number of cancer cases can be attributed to the effects of the many new chemicals present in the environment ’ , he reported .
8 Much of the growth achieved in the UK over the past year can be attributed to the consultancy division , but worldwide , Andersen Consulting 's growth has slowed .
9 The Symon Unconformity has been picked at the base of a thin coal sequence which might correspond to the Phillipsii Chronozone of the upper Westphalian C. Thus a limited gas potential can be attributed to the base of the Barren Measures sequence .
10 The manuscript , however , can be attributed to the West Midlands , to the diocese of Worcester , and a small number of spellings in the text appropriate to the dialect of this region can be found , as indeed can an equally small number of spellings appropriate to the south-east of England .
11 Some of these can be attributed to the subject matter for study itself ( ‘ the objects of study are so utterly different that they require fundamentally different methods and forms of explanation and understanding ’ Benton 1977 : 12 ) .
12 Third , debasement of early medieval coinage in western Europe and the eventual replacement of gold by silver can be attributed to the cessation of the flow of gold bullion from east to west with the abandonment of gold subsidies paid by the Byzantine empire to the barbarians in the west .
13 The results also show that most of the effect on the perceived depth can be attributed to the presence of the vertical perspective cues although the small effect of horizontal perspective cues was present in the estimates of eight out of ten observers and was statistically significant .
14 There are two groups of fossils that can be attributed to the Homininae , that is the African ape and human clade .
15 It would appear that this closure and the consequent employment effects can be attributed to the government 's failure to sanction the deal with Leyland Vehicles earlier in the year , as a result of the political pressure imposed .
16 The thesis comes into its own with respect to industrial policy where significant discontinuities in policy can be attributed to the government changing hands .
17 A recent assessment of Beccaria has portrayed him as a cautious conservative who successfully redirected enlightenment thinking away from a potentially much more radical path : ‘ His sudden fame can be attributed to the relief of educated society that it was possible to hold rational ‘ enlightened ’ views on human behaviour without having to accept radical materialism' ( Jenkins , 1984 , p. 113 ) .
18 In contrast to the preceding period , none of this rise can be attributed to the investment of current account surpluses .
19 A I think all your problems can be attributed to the fact that your tank is far too small for a Geophagus steindachneri .
20 Moscow 's decision to assume the economic burden of Cuba can be attributed to the fact that , by this stage , it had no other credible option in political terms , partly because of Khrushchev 's own extravagant statements of support for the Castro revolution , but largely because of the policies pursued by the United States .
21 There is far less of the mystification which can be attributed to the account of the troubles in Guerrillas : what we get is the mysterious politics of forest and township as observed by an outsider , by an African Asian who understands a good deal of what is going on .
22 * variations which can be attributed to the occurrence of identifiable and non-random events , such as bad weather , strikes or adverse publicity .
23 Much of the frantic activity in the share register can be attributed to the arbitrageurs rather than the titans of the motor industry .
24 Mortensen 's ( 1933a ) confusion over the identity of the Ingolf specimens from Iceland can be attributed to the form of the second arm spine .
25 Since most of the gap occurs between the final parts drawing release and delivery of the dies , differences can be attributed to the die manufacturing process .
26 Said Mound : ‘ Without doubt , the success can be attributed to the integration of the subsurface team who moulded the comprehensive database bequeathed by a laboured appraisal programme into a highly tuned reservoir management tool . ’
27 Agency is irrelevant unless there has been some default on the part of the agent which can be attributed to the principal .
28 The lack of evidence using standard EOG measures can be attributed to the degeneration of the retina in these subjects .
29 This paper trail can be attributed to the demands made on electronically stored information by local and national governments , companies , charities , service providers ( e.g. medical staff ) , and individuals .
30 The impact of this approach on physical geography can be attributed to the ways in which these four types of system could rationalize physical geography endeavour , and could catalyse the introduction of new concepts especially concerned with temporal change .
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