Example sentences of "can be [verb] on [art] grounds " in BNC.

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1 Any investigation can be stopped on the grounds of ‘ national security ’ .
2 With regard to empirical criteria , research can be criticized on the grounds of faulty methodology in the design of instruments for assembling data or in the means used for measuring them .
3 Of course these too can be criticized on the grounds that they lack precision , and carry with them built-in biases , impeding both our understanding of our own field experience as well as obstructing cross-cultural understanding .
4 However , we have seen that this approach can be criticized on the grounds that the discourse structure of the interview is still present and that attempts to obscure the nature of the speech event are likely to lead in practice to confusion and difficulty .
5 In both , the main class order can be criticized on the grounds of the separation of Sciences from their respective Technologies .
6 This argument can be criticized on the grounds that a state bureaucracy can not be called a class .
7 But there is another possible kind of explanation , often more powerful , in which some linguistic feature is motivated by principles outside the scope of linguistic theory : for example , it seems possible that the syntactic processes known as island constraints ( Ross , 1967 ) can be explained on the grounds of general psychological principles ( see e.g. Grosu , 1972 ) .
8 Property might seem to be an unusual investment for pension funds given its volatile nature , but its inclusion can be defended on the grounds of past long-term returns that have been a good hedge against inflation .
9 Another line of argument put forward by traditional liberals is that an appeal to the better off can be made on the grounds that the existence of the underclass tends to make our society a less civilized one in which to live .
10 This practice can be justified on the grounds that many narrative pieces , including those related in our extract , were written separately in Germany in 1798–9 ; and so the philosophy can be regarded as a later intrusion .
11 The extent to which covenants in restraint of trade can be justified on the grounds of protection of business secrets is discussed in general terms in Part I and in relation to specific types of contracts in Parts III to VI .
12 No one has suggested that all left handers have bilateral representation of speech but the distribution of speech representation in sinistrals can be estimated on the grounds of the Amytal test as 70 per cent left sided , 15 per cent right sided and 15 per cent bilateral .
13 Although Hoyle 's model can be criticised on the grounds that the ideal types do not exist , or that many teachers exhibit characteristics from both sides of the model , it nevertheless exposes crucial aspects of the relationships between teachers and the organisations in which they work when used in the heuristic format for which it was intended .
14 Of course , from a strictly scientific viewpoint these individual biographical studies can be criticised on the grounds that they are biased towards rather special cases ; added to which , as Becker points out , such accounts were usually written by clinicians whose professional interest in the abnormal inevitably caused them to focus on signs of pathology .
15 However , such a measure can be criticised on the grounds that much of the state 's activity , that covered by the term ‘ income maintenance ’ , is left out of the definition of government activity .
16 Edwards and Sutcliffe 's use of the " Patois index " can be criticised on the grounds that it does not take into account code-switching behaviour .
17 Trivers ( 1985 ) , R. Dawkins ( 1976 ) and Maynard Smith ( 1978 ) can be recommended on the grounds of importance , clarity , or both ; the collection edited by Bateson ( 1983 ) is useful .
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