Example sentences of "can [adv] [be] shown that the " in BNC.

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1 Even in the simplest case , the lump sum target , it can only be shown that the target can be used to improve welfare under the assumptions that E is neutral in its effect on production and that there are non-decreasing returns to scale .
2 I also operate with the assumption that , although my results pertain strictly only to the sample of forty housewives I interviewed , there is no reason why they should not relate to the wider population of housewives , since it can not be shown that the forty women are unrepresentative of the larger population .
3 If it can not be shown that the person uttering the remarks intended to induce his victim to believe that he was about to engage in violence himself , or intended to provoke the object of his remarks into using unlawful violence , what will be termed here the objective conditions come into operation .
4 It can easily be shown that the Ernst function Z associated with this solution is given by ( 13.4 )
5 Once the discretion arises it is for the court to conduct the necessary balancing exercise between what would otherwise be required by the Convention and the interests of the children , but only where it can clearly be shown that the interests of the children require it should the court refuse to order their return .
6 When a craftsman adds his father 's name to his signature it can often be shown that the father was a craftsman too ( e.g. above , p. 34 ) ; and the practice may regularly have meant that .
7 In support of the proposition that the development of the nouveau roman corresponds to the transition from modernism to postmodernism , it can certainly be shown that the early productions of the nouveaux romanciers are susceptible to readings which to some extent meet the criteria of psychological realism so important in modernist aesthetics .
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