Example sentences of "would probably [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I crossed the road and walked casually along a few streets , and for a while I thought he 'd probably be following at a distance .
2 This 'd probably be used for a construction of some sort I would imagine .
3 As Federation secretary she was much involved in arranging Saturday lectures , concerts , jumble sales , theatre visits and suchlike for the branches : ‘ these would probably be arranged by the Federation officials without me , but perhaps not on so large a scale ’ .
4 If a three-year course could be justified the supporting subjects would probably be covered in the first year but care would have to be taken not to put too great an emphasis on the technology .
5 Larger systems would probably be covered by the initiative where gain one-third of the cost will be covered up to a maximum level of grant of £5,000 .
6 It had been announced only a month ago that she was expecting her first child and would probably be leaving after the spring term .
7 He told the owner of the pensione that he would probably be leaving in a few days and then he made his way to the station to ask about trains .
8 Afterwards he told reporters that the proposals would probably be incorporated in an industrial relations Bill which could be published either late this year or early next year .
9 A decision that a local authority should take proceedings for libel , if the action were available at law , would probably be made by the majority of councillors in defence of the reputation of the council with reference to conduct for which that majority might be responsible ; and the proceedings would be conducted at the expense of the local taxpayers .
10 If after perhaps two weeks of this regimen the bed-wetting continued , then the enuretic National Serviceman would probably be referred by the unit medical officer to the local military hospital for exclusion of urological , neurological or psychiatric disorders .
11 A Hungarian government spokesman has warned that they would probably be killed at the airport if they were returned to Mongolia .
12 Christian Aid has encouraged me to see whether it is feasible to work towards a nationally-recognized , cross-agency , accredited system of training in human resource development , concentrating on communication and campaigning skills , which would probably be organized in a modular/portfolio style .
13 To counterbalance that , we would use high yielding equity funds , so the other £5,000 would probably be split between the Newton Income fund , which has a good record of capital and income growth , the Perpetual High Income and possibly , the Buckmaster Income . ’
14 The undoubted components were that American policy in Japan had become more sympathetic to the aspirations of moderate conservatism and that a peace treaty would probably be concluded within a year or so , resting on generous treatment and with Japan locked into the system of western strategy directed against the threat of Soviet expansion .
15 The red star would probably be replaced by a red rose , the huge portrait of Lenin at headquarters might be taken down .
16 Realising that she would probably be dismissed on the spot if Esther should discover her , she closeted herself in the pantry and proceeded to pour herself a glass of sarsaparilla from the big earthenware jug there .
17 The idea of literary sensibility would probably be dismissed by the culturalists of the Left as a piece of mystification , and certainly few of them have shown signs of possessing it , on either side of the Atlantic .
18 IAAF general-secretary Istvan Gyulai said a meeting of its five-man doping commission would probably be held in a fortnight .
19 If a duty was held to be owed , then it would probably be discharged by the warning notice .
20 In approaching the identification and management of child abuse cases as a journalist my attention would probably be focussed on a few ‘ sensational ’ cases , where something has gone dramatically ‘ wrong ’ and which are subject to an enquiry .
21 These would probably be intensified in the case of those patients of our own species , particularly babies .
22 This would probably be coupled with a clause requiring the buyer to make payment in full regardless of any claims against the seller , and restricting the buyer 's right of set-off ( which would otherwise arise under s53(a) of the SGA 1979 ) .
23 While such a set-up would probably be established under the auspices of the Bank of England , the main users in the shape of the institutions envisage that in due course they would take over ownership .
24 It is submitted that in the former case the approach would probably be modified by the basic duty of fidelity to the extent that confidentiality would be lost only if the employer could be said to have shown wilful disregard to the quality of the confidence , rather than having been merely negligent .
25 It would probably be reconstituted along the lines of the Advisory Council for Dangerous Pathogens .
26 Never a great footballing side , if it was not for the fact that they are in the same League as Athletico Whaddon , they would probably be known as the Athletico Whaddon of Division Three .
27 It was noted that a subsidy of c. £1000 would probably be needed for a similar event in the future , but that a venue which operated a more lenient cancellation policy would make things easier for the organisers .
28 For example , in all but small companies a project of a few thousand pounds would probably be approved by a senior manager , whereas a multi-million pound project will probably require board approval .
29 Even in that situation you would probably be rescued by a passing cruise ship , on board which they would stuff you endlessly with food to compensate for the boredom of the interminable view of the sea .
30 Baldwin returned to London on the Friday , and told his friend Geoffrey Dawson , the editor of The Times , that he would resign immediately and would probably be succeeded by a Conservative/Liberal coalition , possibly led by Asquith , in which he , Baldwin , might well participate .
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